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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


August Bank Holiday Monday

As it was a nice sunny day and completed a few jobs for FPO I thought it was about time I started up the engine on Sammy 2   Found that there was a bit of rain water in the bilge so got that emptied first.   It has been over a year since it last started so I expected problems, however it fired up after a couple of seconds on the key! :-)   The fuel is now 4+ years old and it still ran ok.   I quickly noticed however that the water tell tail was not showing and water out of it. After chec



Cabin hand rails

18/6/15   Well I finished work at a reasonable time and having called into Force 4 for some primer and top coat to re-paint the inside of the cabin I looked at the wooden hand rails on the cabin which looked a bit shabby so I unscrewed them and after a quick sand down gave them all a coat of stain. Just got to let them dry and they may even get a second coat!   Hope to start the prime coat on the inside this week-end if the weather holds



Bank Holiday clean

Well looking at my last post on this blog, August 2014, I still haven't managed to get Sammy 2 afloat!   After a trip up to the NEC on Saturday to see Mark Knopfler, Monday seemed a good day for rest however I was looking at the boat and thought she could do with a good clean. Off came the cover and I climbed aboard and opened the cabin door, to my horror I could see the paint had started to peel away from the sides and that black mould from condensation and lack of use had started to appear.



Lowrance Elite 5

Help. When I bought the boat, it came with a Lawrance Elite 5 chart plotter but no SD card. I contacted the guy I bought it from who said he would look to see if he could find it, but hasn't got back to me. So the question is, can I get a replacement card from somewhere? I assume buying a Navionics Gold card would be useless without the supplied basic card. OR do I just give up and save for a complete new one? Garmin looks good but expensive.     OK just had a message from Lowrance in America



New Member

Hi all, I'm a new member, always wanted a boat to get out fishing and having a bit of fun. So I got a warrior 165 with the Suzuki 70 sitting on the back. Did my powerboat 2 course, and here I am. all the gear and no idea, so on Thursday I may be asking lots of questions ( be patient with the old git. ) what's happening, whats planned, were do I launch from, is there any fish in the sea, I have a map but what the H**L is a chart, you get the drift. so hopping to get to know you all and get out th



Nearly Ready to launch

Well my eldest son said he was down here for a weeks holiday and could I get the boat ready to use!   He did supply me a new fuel line and priming bulb so I installed this and tested out all the engines. All seemed good to go.   Due to try out the launch on Sunday but due to various things it didn't happen but at least she is ready, just need to fill the tank with fresh fuel and oil (2-stroke) and have a quiet day down at Baiter.   Still have to wire up the electrics on my car but both so



Fitted the VHF DSC

Well having been out fishing on Sparky's boat on Friday, inspired me to get on with Sammy 2's VHF install.   As I wanted to be able to remove the vhf I needed to buy a plug and socket so that it can easily connect to the GPS wiring to provide the DSC function.   Found a good place to mount the radio and also the GPS plug I started drilling holes and fitting the radio. It took a while to work out which wires to use to get the feed from the GPS to the radio but it all worked first time.   Co



Still getting the boat ready

Well, I have decided to make an effort and get Sammy 2 out on the water again, it's only been over 2yrs sat on the trailer and not used!   Gave her a wash and clean last week-end and today bought a new DSC VHF radio as the old set did not have DSC and the mic lead was fraying. Must get a MMSI number for this boat now and update my SG66 form.   It was my birthday a couple of weeks agao and my children bought me a new set of flares so by the time I get out I should have all my safety gear upda



prototype stand up / casting bar on my Nucanoe

April 14th and once again wind stops play. So, I decided to try a little mod to my new toy.   The Nucanoe optional extras list shows a stand up casting bar. This looks like a great addition and offers a simple handlebar to assist in standing, casting, balancing and sitting. Maybe even a place for rod rests etc. Unfortunately this optional extra is over £150!!   As an aerial man I have plenty of aluminium poles and clamps etc. A trip to B&Q got me a bit of angle aluminium and i was off

Graham Nash

Graham Nash

Nearly ready

Well Dean spent last weekend polishing and scrubbing Awol so she is beginning to look pretty good now. Need to do one or two more jobs to get her A1 but well on the way. Looking forward to doing a shake down cruise/fish just to ensure everything works prior to the club trip over the channel.   Doing a radar course this coming Sunday to try and learn how to use the on board kit properly. Following weeks it will be out and about playing on the boat....at last   More updates later

Maverick Martin

Maverick Martin

Boat Trailer strengthened

Well at last Matt brought home his welding machine and we set about strengthening the boat trailer by adding a couple of 50mm box sections from the axel frame to the centre spine. This makes it look like the letter A. With snow flurries and the cold wind we managed to get it all sorted. I also emptied the boat of rain water which was good, not that there was a lot in there consodering the amount of rain we have had lately.   The boat needs a good wash down and polish to get the winter grime



Garage clear out Part 2

Well we did the second half of the garage and made another 3 trips to the tip!   I now have so much room I could get a car in the garage!   We re-arranged the layout so I have just got to install some wall sockets and extra lights and it will be sorted.   Well worth the effort



Garage Clearout

Well as today was so nice, my son Matt and I made a start in sorting out the garage.   We have managed to fill 1.5 cars with rubbish ready for the tip and only managed to sort one side of the garage, however I did find loads of bits which I thought I had lost.   Thrown out a load of bits which I expect I will need in the next few days/weeks   More to do tomorrow



Migration of Old Posts and Topics

Old Forum migration   Had some real fun moving the topics and posts from the old 1.3 version of the IPB software to the latest version. was well pleased when I actually managed to get it all working.   Anyone thinking of doing the same it is not too bad once you work it all out.   I transferred the members table over, but every member will require to request a new password. Then I found that I could use the old passwords stored in the original database to authenticate. Works a treat Th

Paul D

Paul D

First of many entries I hope

This is my first for "blogging" so I hope it does not get too trivial   I am sure everyone will comment if I get it wrong but these are my thoughts   Lets see what happens



New forum

Today I created my first forum headings in our new home.   So if you advertise for sale items or wants it'll be in a heading I created   I think I am going to like it in here

Maverick Martin

Maverick Martin


I thought it would be a great idea to create a new application - "Reporting" Idea being users can report their catches using this app.   Unfortunately, I decided to update the skins as well and used the "IN_DEV" functionality. Broke the skins by forgetting to set all the bits correctly.   Think it is fixed now, but board shows the master skins as having been amended -

Paul D

Paul D

Live Today

Website linked to Facebook. I have managed to fix the problem I created by deleting the mobile skins, by reimporting the skin table. Working on catch report viewer although making logins using the old forum password next on my agenda, as I think I can see how todo this now.   If only could work out an easy way of porting posts from old forum to the new site.

Paul D

Paul D

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