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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Eel population in UK rivers down by 98%...WHY...France !!!


On a sombre note... for anyone that didn't hear the news this week about declining Eel stocks and our chums in France





Seems the Frech commercial trawlers have found the migration route for Elvers coming from the sargasso sea, enroute to European rivers, as they pass through the Bay of Biscay. So typical commercial fisherman - they are netting them and selling them to China.


50 million tiny Elvers..... 50 bloomin million.



Posted (edited)



Haven't heard of the trawling bit before Dave. Where does that come from?


They're normally caught by hand nets or kypes along the estuaries.


In 2006 prices were up to

Edited by Wedger

Maybe our knowledgable and trustworthy conservation officer can open a suitably worded protest / petition at the number 10 site and we could see if we can get behind it, with an election comming up who ever gets in would have a raised profile regarding fishing if enough took part.


Now, not so long ago we mentioned another petition on here and to be honest whilst it loked like the Govt paid a tiny amount of lip service to it only 3500 people actually bothered to sign the petition. we could start pushing this though all other forums and use it as an litmus test to see how many people we can get to sign the petition, from that who knows what we could do next time.


Maybe we can get behind the princible of the think, after all its just shgeer greed once again removing more of one species than the ocean can sustain.




The decline in eels in are rivers is supposed to be caused by a parasite that stops the eels from going down into deep water to cross to the breeding grounds

Posted (edited)

what feeds on these? apart from the french ( not that they will go into decline)


Well your bass for sure!



Edited by Wedger

Isn`t it just typical ! Europe makes out it the British trawlers, anglers etc that are causing the decline, then they make laws that are to stop us fishing for them, & as usual "in reality!!!" its them Euro so & so`s that have been causing the damage in the first place.

Has anyone else noticed the fact that Europe always seem to be the only ones who benefit from thier barmy, unwanted interfering with OUR lives, OUR rights, OUR waters!

Our government might aswell hold a public viewing of the burning of our flag in front of Nelsons column & the raising of the french one on top of buck palace.







It's easy to confuse the behaviour of a few selfish fishermen with European policy but in fact the European Fishery Commission has recognised the eel problem and quotas were set for some of the catch to be used to restock areas depleted by disease. That individuals have ignored the rules is not a new thing and is certainly not confined to the French. Enforcement is the problem as we know from our own waters and until that thorny issue is tackled we can whistle in the wind.

Incidently if we weren't in Europe we would have no means of influencing anything on the high seas without the use of gunboat diplomacy and that has proved in the past to solve nothing.




Well! everyone is entitled to an opinion, but for anyone to really think we have any real infuence in europe is very nieve, I remember the cod bans of the past that were thrust on us by europe, & the european trawlers that were going back home from our waters full of cod while our lads were sitting in harbour & charter boats were having to make the customers throw back cod that just flapped about on the surface for the sport of the seagulls, Britain just waits obediently for any small favours thrown our way by europe, we dare not sneeze in this country without the say so of europe, If only it was just a few greedy fishermen, I very strongly believe in conservation But it has to be across the board, its no good us conserving if europe (whichever part) is going to carry on raping the sea of everything that swims.

No its not just a few greedy fishermen, Its a money merry go round & there`s a lot of people, as always who will put on a public face & do back door deals to make from it.

The real world is run by immoral & bent politicians who have no care for us or our sport or the creatures living in the sea.

As said we all have our opinions, Mine is that Ted Heath should never have taken us into Europe & Britain & its territorial waters should have stayed British.




HOT ONE Mike............... and while there are those that agree and those that don't, the issue of Europe/ Politicians and staying British goes well beyond the fish and fishing policies.


The debate could get heated and a very wise man once said to me .........don't discuss Politics or Religion if you want it to remain peaceful.


AND a program in the 70's succinctly added..........don't mention the Nazis...!!!!




SO ......been a lovely weekend but with no reports so far I see.......

anybody been out on the water ?????


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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