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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Maybe a bit late but no one that seemed keen to come out tomorrow

has even let me know. SO i'm looking for one crew for tomorrow sunday,

I've just got a new boat Warrior165 and this will be the first trip. Would

normally manage by myself if need too but have got a niggely back

problem at the moment that won't go away!!!!!!!!

Anyone interested let me know asap on 07963320071. want to get a few bream

and macks before there all gone!

Cheers mike


Soz Mike I would love to......but other commitments wont allow. Another time maybe.....


Hope you get a crew ......and Good luck !!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




where are you launching from ?


got a warrior myself cool.gif ,


If your going from Baiter.....wind and tide will be on your side when you return.(rope it out). wink.gif


don't fancy the forecast myself though.......i'll save me brownie points for a better day weep.gif





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