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Right lads, your opinions please........

As I keep name dropping, I am off to Cuba for two weeks in mid Oct. Where we are going there is plenty of fishing both on the 'flats' (crystal clear 12" to 24" deep over acres of white sand) where sports fishermen spin or fly fish for bonefish (sorta like predatory mullet with a top speed of 200mph). In this area they say fish fine and far off so that's that.

But there is a deep water channel crossed by several low bridges and in the channel are Barracuda to 4ft long, permit (like super dreadnaught bream) to 30lb, and tarpon (humongus herrings) to 100lb. Now here's the thing. No arguments that if one solely goes after permit or tarpon a 30 to 50 lb mono trace is ok. but at any time one can get a hit from barracuda or shark. Some folk on the American/Canadian fishing sites say one should use 100lb mono others say no it's got to be wire but of a lower breaking strain ...... say 30lb. The easy answer I supose is to take some of both but I wondered if you gus had any advice or opinions.


Mad Mike


Reckon theyd chomp through mono, their teeth are razor sharp/I ve had baracuda slice the bodies of fish twice their size in half in one bite. Used to troll for gamefish and always used wire trace. By the way although the bigger ones out there carry cigertera ( ? ) poison anything under about 3 lbs is safe to eat and delicious



Reckon theyd chomp through mono, their teeth are razor sharp/I ve had baracuda slice the bodies of fish twice their size in half in one bite. Used to troll for gamefish and always used wire trace. By the way although the bigger ones out there carry cigertera ( ? ) poison anything under about 3 lbs is safe to eat and delicious



Is that like mercury poisioning? Or a bacteria? And I didn't know that 'cuda were an eating fish. Thanks for the info and if you have any more tips do please pass them on.


Mad Mike


Hi Mike

When I am tope fishing I use a Mono trace of 60 or 80lb of about 4' with a swivel at each end and a short length of single strand stainless wire to the hook.


I usually use Viravas Big Mouth extra hooks as they are sharp and strong.


These traces seem to work well with tope or conger and I am sure even a cuda in Cuba would have trouble biting through them, as the single strand goes between their teeth like dental floss.


However do not try and floss your fish Mike

thats a bit made even for U biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Tight lines


Hi Mike

When I am tope fishing I use a Mono trace of 60 or 80lb of about 4' with a swivel at each end and a short length of single strand stainless wire to the hook.


I usually use Viravas Big Mouth extra hooks as they are sharp and strong.


These traces seem to work well with tope or conger and I am sure even a cuda in Cuba would have trouble biting through them, as the single strand goes between their teeth like dental floss.


However do not try and floss your fish Mike

thats a bit made even for U biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Tight lines


That's what was in my mind Charlie, but it's nice to get other information too.


And who the heck is this biddy Dental Floss? Is she a relative of Slack Alice?


Mad Mike

Guest Guest_Dan_Fisherman

Having fished for Barracuda in the past I know you can use fairly sporting gear like a 3lb test curve carp rod, 20lb mono but a strong, wire trace in essential. If you are trolling then i would use a 30lb class outfit, heavy rubbing leader complete with wire trace. Never tried for the bone fish though, cant cast a fly to save my life, but i have read that there catching lots on the flats on a live, freelined crab. Not for the purest though!


Mikey, the lads on the boats in Clearwater use 300 ish lb mono for leaders, but they are right out in the gulf.


I fished in the channels under the bridges, using my Shimano exage multi section Bass rod.............(what a beast!!!!!) and a shimano 4000 series fixed spool. Great sport with jacks and ladyfish, a few Spanish mackeral........but the Kings kept biting through the 30lb leader I was using.


One guy on the boat hooked into a Tarpon.............on tackle similar to mine, boy what a fight!!!! That fish leapt onto the boat almost!!


If your going to use crabs, Mike, take a few reels of bait elastic with you, its hard to get where I was, so I guess it will be harder for you out there!


I brought home some freebie papers, will bring em to the next meet, you can peruse the Bonefish articles..................all good reading wink.gif




Mikey, the lads on the boats in Clearwater use 300 ish lb mono for leaders, but they are right out in the gulf.


I fished in the channels under the bridges, using my Shimano exage multi section Bass rod.............(what a beast!!!!!) and a shimano 4000 series fixed spool. Great sport with jacks and ladyfish, a few Spanish mackeral........but the Kings kept biting through the 30lb leader I was using.


One guy on the boat hooked into a Tarpon.............on tackle similar to mine, boy what a fight!!!! That fish leapt onto the boat almost!!


If your going to use crabs, Mike, take a few reels of bait elastic with you, its hard to get where I was, so I guess it will be harder for you out there!


I brought home some freebie papers, will bring em to the next meet, you can peruse the Bonefish articles..................all good reading wink.gif



Thanks for the tip Rich. I t sounds like you had a great time. I too use a shimano 4000 and what a nice little reel they are. The lady fish are jumpers too, I remember my lad who would have been about 13 at the time hooking his first one. As it tailwalked after stripping off 20 yards of line Morgan was so excited he yelled (whilst in the company of some posh Americans) F**K ME LOOK AT THAT BA****D GO!! biggrin.gif . His mum and I quietly tried to hide on the other side of the bimini top ph34r.gif


Mad Mike


LOL.............I think that the same kind of words emminated from the skippers mouth on this occasion!!!! If you want to have a lend of the travel rod, be my guest, it packs down well, into its own tube, a great little number with plenty of grunt, I'm well pleased with it.


bell me before you dissapear if you want it mikey

Regads Rich


LOL.............I think that the same kind of words emminated from the skippers mouth on this occasion!!!! If you want to have a lend of the travel rod, be my guest, it packs down well, into its own tube, a great little number with plenty of grunt, I'm well pleased with it.


bell me before you dissapear if you want it mikey

Regads Rich

What a splendid offer thank you. I've been ebaying however and got myself a couple of telescopic ones and I bought another at the boat jumble, The dear lady wife is now rumbling about the amount of fishing tackle I am taking. Women do not seem to understand that a bloke can manage with a set of T shirts and some shorts on a two week fishing holiday. She said something about going out in the evenings? Do you think she wants an invite to some night fishing sessions? unsure.gif


Mad Mike

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