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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Competant Kayaker...novice fisherman...Hi All

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Hi all

I was recommended this site by a plasterer/fisherman called Kieth who told me a bit about it.

I am a 41 year old chap living in Poole and have been kayaking most of my life. In the last five years I have really got into sit on kayaking as a preference and have put in a lot of time in and around the harbour and bay.

Fishing!!!!!!It started out after some one said why dont i give fishing a go ,so I bought a hand line ,caught my first mackeral and that was it.

I love kayak fishing.

The trouble is I dont know a lot about fishing.I now have some kayak rods and various kit but I dont have the know how.I have caught,more by luck,mackeral,pout whiting,garfish,an ugly pink thing,and some foot long bass that I put back ,but i'd like to bring home something nice for the dinner table to impress the family.

If any fellow kayakers want to go on an early morning fishing trip in the bay one weekend and give me some tips I'd love to meet up. Also any advice on what and where and how to catch a big beasty for my plate would be greatly appreciated

Best Regards





Welcome Steve - this Year we have a kayak section and a kayaker on the commitee.


See this section : http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forums/index.php?showforum=165


There are plenty of "Nutters" in the club and I am sure they will glad for you to tag along, I expect one will paddle past this thread soon and say helllo.


They might even convince you to join teh club proper!!!!


Tight lines,




Hiya Steve.

Welcome to pbsbac.

There are a few of us in the Bournemouth/Poole area that are out fishing alot in the Bay and surounding areas.

I havent been out for about 5 weeks as work and caravaning have got in the way but I am planning on getting out on the 11th or 12th of Sept.

Why dont you pop along to the next pbsbac monthly meeting.Its held on the first Thursday of every month at 8pm in the Parkstone working mans club.I am sure all the boat and Kayak guys will make you feel very welcome.



Posted (edited)

Nutters! not me I'm very cautious! tongue.gif


Hi Steve, as Rob said, you'll get more from the club if join, always the chance of crewing, especially if you can get out in the week. These guys know a lot about fishing and more importantly when & where to go.


In the meantime I'd be only too happy to join you on the water and may even find some fish laugh.gif , sounds like you're doing pretty well already. By all means PM me if you're planning a trip locally and I'll do similarly.





P.S You might also want to sign-up at at http://anglersafloat.proboards.com/

Edited by Overrun

Hi Steve welcome mate I dare say we will meet soon in the bay or harbour,as said before come along to the pbsbac meetings and put names to faces.




nutters indeed I'll have you know I resemble that remark rolleyes.gif

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