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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Sept. fishing can be the best ....... if the weather allows !


After missing last weekend, due to those winds [ and the prospect of another windy one coming ...... thank you hurricane Frances ( as was ) ]..... itching for any opportunity to fish in this water as it retains its summer warmth ..... I saw Metcheck's promise of a tiny 'weather - window' last evening, with winds in the northwest and falling light into the night.


With loads of big fat rag from Poole, I wanted to repeat the sole catching experience I enjoyed two weeks ago down off Barton beach ...... but no two trips are ever the same !


The sea surface was nice and calm ..... but the swell was surprising... getting bigger and bigger along Christchurch bay ...... at Barton, a good 4 - 5 feet; this , together with a fair tide caused the anchor to slip ..... so a bit like fishing the Shambles !!


...... move closer in ...... bigger swell in shallower water !!


Nevertheless ....... ace fishing....... fish of all shapes and sizes ..... but no soles nor smoothhound !!


Lots of bream..... [ to about 1 1/2lbs. ] bass ...... but only schoolies, some good rays [ thorny close to 10 lbs.] silver eels ......... and lots of dogs [ some so small they seemed like little eels coming in !!]


No moonlight....... but mega starlight..... and still some phosphoresence in the sea.


Strange how the swell on a dark night robs your sealegs!


Good old GPS steered me back....... but so much water on the top of the spring tide you could go anywhere ; Christchurch harbour was full to the brim, so the boat came back onto the trailer at the top of the slip ........ and home by 11.


I wonder how many more evening sessions I will be able to fit in this autumn ?? and still get to work the next morning !!


Tight lines,




Hey Mike, that legend......!!........... half empty or half full ??........ sounds like the former ! .... us fishermen have to be optimists..... or there's little point setting out [ vision / expectation ] ........ I'm not jammy , I make things happen !....... I wish.!!



Hey Mike, that legend......!!........... half empty or half full ??........ sounds like the former ! .... us fishermen have to be optimists..... or there's little point setting out [ vision / expectation ] ........ I'm not jammy , I make things happen !....... I wish.!!



It was more in the terms of doing DIY or work on the boat Alun. Carefully measure where a hole needs drilling through to a blind 'inside bit' (twice and then once more) and there's a 50/50 chance your right. Except for the 90% bit when you bend double, sqeeze sideways, and squint in the dark to see where the sucker came through. biggrin.gif

And don't you claim you've never done it either laugh.gif


Mad Mike

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