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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Paul....... Looks great fun..... gotta try in the new year.... will I need a saltwater line.....sink or intermediate ?? or can I use the freshwater ones?


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



I would like to have a proper go some time PJ - I have played at it but only had mackerel!


Every tried for cod on the fly? wacko.gif


Any fish is possible on the fly, the trick is getting it down where the fish can see it which is not always easy when you have depth , tide and water clarity to consider.


Fresh water lines are ok to use but you should wash them after use.


the lines used are usually intermeadiate and sink lines of d13 through di7- the number being the sink rate of inches per second.


A floater can be adapted by using a poly leader to make it into a sink tip which will probably get you down 10- 15ft with a heavyish fly



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