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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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This may help, if you zoom in on your chart of the plotter, this will help reduce any re-draw and speed things up also you can keep a better track of where you are going.

Many plotters allow you to change the track colour so if it is foggy suggest using a differant colour trace than normal so you can see where you have come from. ohmy.gif


I would also suggest that on a good clear day, when you have some spare time, is to load waypoints at regular intervals as a "Route" into the plotter from the chain ferry to you normal destination. You can then switch the route on and follow the route quite easily. If it is foggy when going out you can reverse the route to find your way out of the harbour.


When you have done the above check it out on a clear day to make sure you have not missed anything.


The biggest problem is those who have to go through the lifting bridge, if the power fails as it did recently, the air height board was down as well so it could be a little bit of brown trouser moment if it is near the limit of your clearance. blink.gif




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