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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Weather looked good; tides were cooperative........ and an invitation from Sinbad to crew up for an evening session [ him being a sole virgin ] sounded unmissable;


so rearranged work commitments.....and met at 4 at Mudeford.....off to Barton to see if sole were still about ?????


Warm, cloudy and near flat sea seemed promising...........


Wind freshened and dropped, freshened and dropped several times....cloud,rain, moon, waves.....and many other things came and went in an interesting and different evening [again !] ....... another species hunt ..... what variety from a shallow inshore mark !!........in order of arrival ........... bream [lots], mackeral, red mullet, gunard, smoothhound, sole, scad.


Paul got his first sole...... all wriggly, rough and slippery..... but a tiddler to mine just over 2 lbs. ....... and 4 in total.


Lots of bites ........... but slower than last time [ a couple of weeks ago]


I wonder if Paul will post about his big bass he caught earlier in the day..... out on the Ledge?? Was it 8........ or 12 ??? [ as his mum says !!] ..... a PB in either case. Well done Paul , and thanks again for the trip; hope you managed ok this morning ???


Off to fillet some bream for the freezer........ can't be much longer for these??




Hi Alun


Was certainly a brilliant evening - as usual. Pity the moon didnt show quite enough.( thursday N was moonlit and surreal ). Trouble free steam out to the mark, and those double anchors seemed to stop us dragging this time !


I was more amazed we had zero tangles and a wide species variety, even if every time you said 'its slow isnt it' there was a bang...screeeeeee.... from the reel!


Also trouble free recovery back at the mooring, and back in bed by 1230.

Must admit, I was a tad bleary eyed come work time the following morning - but the session just had to be done!


Soles are skinned and on the slab for tea Monday N....thank you.


havent heard whether that other boat which steamed up to us from Hurst faired ?





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