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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Went out on wednesday afternoon to fish the Ebb of the tide on the Patch for some bream!


After a slow start, ended up with 15ish bream between the two of us, one pretty decent sized (but not very tasty laugh.gif ) garfish, and what i THINK are small smoothounds - verification please! (if so - our first on Aqus!)


Interestingly, one of our rods seemed to hook up to a bream every time a mackerel line was jigged near it... perhaps imitating a shoal of fish helped?



As it was a brilliantly flat day, we slowly motored in, trolling the bass lures, and caught 6 decent sized mackerel, with a bass off Hook Sands to end the day which we retuned!



A pretty good day!




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