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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I am looking to buy a two man kayak I would like some info on what to go for inflatable or fibre ? my son and myself are quite large

mark w


I use a perception Gemini for playing with my family. About the same size and weight as my trident 13 , so takes two to carry unless you buy wheels. We have had loads of great days out and it is very stable. I bought mine on eBay for


Thanks for your info lofty I may try an inflatible on first to see I can cope with sitting on it for a couple of hours and if I cant I will leave it on my boat just in case

mark w


Personally i would stay clear of the inflatable and go for plastic , much stronger and far less affected by the wind , , also i would not fish from an inflatable because of the hooks weep.gif


Try the Ocean kayak malibu 2 /2XL , , great for two people fishing biggrin.gif






Mark youre boats not on it's mooring?Has it sunk?You can't be using it! laugh.gif

Just letting you know as so used to seeing it there tongue.gif



PS I bet you sit at the back on the two man kayak so you're lad won't notice you're not paddling laugh.gif That's if his paddle can reach the water laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Thanks nige you said you keep your eye on it for me!

I am in surrey so am not using it was there any oil in the water?

I may drive it down from elkins yard or I might sell it and buy a rib I have bid on a couple on ebay but they went to high.


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