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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi thanks for previous posts very helpful

Trying to find out about my boat/engines performance !

I have a raider 16 cuddy with a 75 hp etec top speed on a flat day about 30 mph but only 4000 revs ? Have read on some forums should be 5200 is that right or will that just cost me more in fuel ?? Sorry if this is just another silly question but all new to me !!! Hope to make it to a club meeting soon so I can say hello in person.


Jim wink.gif


Hi Jim


Normally for every inch reduced on the pitch = approx 200rpm


With your set up it seems you are down 1200 rpm which seems a lot.


Suggest you have a word with these people


Propeller Solutions,

Unit 18, Bridge Street,

Bailie Gate Industrial Estate,

Sturminster Marshall,


BH21 4DB



01258 858784


They are very helpful and will advise you the best solution to get max power and minimal fuel usage


You will need a bit of boat info when talking to them, like length of boat waterline, approx weight when using it with full fuel, fishing gear and crew.


Existing prop size


Hope this starts to help





whilst I would endorse Dave's recommendation for fine tuning your package it would appear that you are miles out at the moment - so far that I would be calling Raider Boats and asking them for an approximate prop match to your package based on their experience.


you will need to be able to advise the existing prop and give an indication of the load you carry ie '3 guys and gear for fishing'. If this was your loading then that could account for the figures btw - boats of this size and power are extremely sensitive to such weight because performance is a pretty tight function of power to weight ratio and they start pretty light until you put people and fuel in them!


I believe the ETECs have their own prop profiles as well - which is just one more headache of course.


The ideal rev range for My ETEC 60 is 5500-6000


5750 delivers the full 60hp and im currently running original 17" prop which has been repitched to 16" by prop solutions as i was only getting 5200 revs previously.


Not sure how it relates to yours as both engine and boat size and shape are different to mine but it might be of some help




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