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Hi all


looks as if the weather may give a break on Saurday , so will hoping to take "Happy Days" out for only the second time this year due to the poor weather and gearbox problems.


I have a 2hr plus drive drive so need to make sure the weather is suitable for me ( a novice ) to get out , So here is hoping the Met office have it right this time .


Can any one advise where I might try to fish, not looking to go out to far from the harbour but all suggestions welcome .


If anyone else is out would be great to meet up. on ch 6


all the best





Indeed the forecast does look good!


With small tides I woudl look at ray fishing off Ballard if you dont want to go too far and maybe drift around the piers with Sidewinders \ baited feathers for bass and gurnard.




Similar suggestions to the others really!

only to add:

Drifting / trolling around the piers for mackerel,


troll up the training bank for an elusive bass when the tide is flowing out



Good luck!


Thanks to you all,


will be down about 10 ish.


so once out I will give a call on Ch6


keeping fingers crossed that all the gremlins have been sorted with the engine !


Tight lines




Hi again


Rob you mention about going to the Pier , How far away would you suggest to start and would you anchor here or drift .






If you go close to the end of the pier look out for anyone fishing on the end and give them room and look out for the trip boats too.




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