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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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cool.gif On me Hols at the mo in St Ives. Took the yak and rods and youngest daughter out for a paddle along the cliffs, hoping for bass.Caught sandeels (are they called launce ?) and tried with no luck.On the headlands we were joined by a bloody big seal so I stopped fishing for fear of snagging him.It came really close unsure.gif Then into the bay for macs but blanked on all colours of feathers. masses of spider crabs all swarming in the shallows . then I spot a fin unsure.gif Paddled over and it was a sunfish, and a bloody big one.Just for a millisecond I thought of netting it tongue.gifbiggrin.giftongue.gif A good and crap day all in one cool.gif
cool.gif Without catching, WITHOUT CATCHING?????? I landed 2 sandeels after a strenuous battle.Sport fishing at it's best.As they were caught in Cornwall but on my yak do they go on my species list or do all species have to be in club waters? and are sandeels called launce? they were the same as the packet bought eels. cool.gif

Hey Lofty,

The species comp is currently recognising sandeel and launce as separate species.


The launce are physically much bulkier. We had a launce and a sandeel the same length recently, and the launce had a browner back, a longer lower jaw, and probably weighed 3-4 times the weight of the sandeel, which had a greenish-blue back. Hope that helps.


If I were you, I'd keep a separate list of species caught outside of club waters, so Dave (Coddy) can easily keep the totals running.


Seeing a seal in close-up and a sunfish the same day would make it a special one for me! We've seen neither this year yet, despite days afloat. Keep an eye out for dolphins, you might see a few there, and also basking sharks which are slow and ponderous with brownish dorsals.


Good luck down there!




cool.gif Sandeel. We saw a pod of dolphins 300 metres out to sea from the beach restaurant. fabulous. I'll put a note on my species list. cool.gif

I got out as planned and on the sea by 5. dead calm so trolled poppers along the cliffs for silver bars , but no joy. Crossed the bay towards St Ives and the wind picked up. then the swell picked up. By the time I was at the headland you could lose a fishing boat in the swell but it wasn't White water or cresting, just big. No fun. 5 mins feathering and blanks so headed back towards the bay and tied on a pot. Big knocks on a whole squid , maybe better size bream?but I was using large hooks.2 good sized doggys was all I saw today.Back on the beach by 9.30.

Really surprised by the lack of fish, but I guess if bait fish are missing it follows.If any others read this keep an eye on how quickly the sea can build , from flat calm to bluurrrgh in 60 mins. cool.gif


Hi Lofty


When added species to your listing just put in or out of club waters as we have two lists running. Nothing to stop you catching the same species in or out of club waters and adding it to the listings.




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