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I am lucky enough to be going on a last minute charter trip outof minehead on Tue and need help on rigs/baits, I have been told to take ragworm/lug and will be fishing uptide and downtide for codling/whiting and poss bass then at slack water rays/conger.


Anyone with experience from here any advice most grateful will be taking my sauveron 20-30 with a 7000 and an uptide with a 6500. Dont want to carry to many leads so any advice on hook sizes/ leads/rigs etc most appreciated




I've fished from Minehead a fair bit in the past...


We generally stuck to squid and lug (preferably black lug) for the winter cod, frozen peeler crab also good but expensive if you have to buy them... 2 or 3 worms fished on a 4/0 pennell rig, with a squid head on the bottom hook and strip of suid on the top hook... 4' - 6' hook length 40lb Amnesia.


Uptiding you shouldn't need more than 6oz lead with fixed nose wires, for the peak tide flow and you'll get away with a 5oz breakaway as the tide eases.


Downtide, with say 30lb braid, you will probably need 1lb max... a lot depends on just where the skipper takes you.


If there are whiting about then mackerel feathers, baited with small strips of mackerel, work well.


For the conger / rays... a 6/0 forged hook... baited with mackerel strip and squid.


What boat are you on? It wouldn't be a bad idea to have a word with the skipper and seek his advice... from the horses mouth, as they say.


If it's Ark Supreme... you'll also need to take your sense of humour with you!!! unsure.gif


Hope this helps,





Alans tackle and bait tips appear spot on.


Big worm/squid baits on the uptide and downtide gear,

In that area I would use the 7000 on the uptider and something the next size up with braid on the downtider


Fresh or Ammo Mackeral for the slack water fish, the majority of rays are thornbacks with small eyed and spotted as well.

The place used to be littered with dogfish so I would take plenty of bait.


The tides run pretty fast in the channel so take a good selection of weights, its better to take to many in a robust bucket than not have enough if you are fishing one of the rough patches and start to lose some gear.


There may still be a few late tope about if you are lucky.


Have a good trip, tight lines

Charlie biggrin.gif


Anyway tuesday has come and gone, ended up with three on the boat, Allykat of minehead, was well lumpy minced over to the nash bank?? we picked up rays on sandeels, and whiting and doggies, came out over slack and had more rays, whiting and doggies and graham had 2 straps on his size 1 paternoster whiting rig! and a whiting bit in half, came back to minehead had more whiting doggies and a solitary codling. Bloody long day cloudy rain was force 4-5 over shallow water so hard work on the legs.


Ended up on the boat with blonde rays, small eyed and thornies upto 6lb, 2 straps whitingto 1 1/2 doggies and a 3lb codling and a pout. Yellow tails were best bait brought from weymouth, sandeels best for rays.


The 7000 worked a treat luckliy neap tides so didnt need more than 8oz downtiding and 6oz breakaways when uptiding.


Glad you had a good day, its been a long time since I fished with Dave but he is a good skipper.


You have been a bit quiet at this end for a while Colin


Have they been working you to hard?




Work is a four letter word to me!


wethers been against us alot and other commitments


We got out last sunday for a drift in the harbour some schoolies, wrasse, and gobies short day though.


Hopefully getting out on Sunday as forecast looks good.

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