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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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With the nice forecast and improving foot decided to take a trip out to see what was around.


Headed out to some distant marks and settled into a stream of dog fish and medium sized bream. Got fed up in the end with bream grabbing all the squid bait, so headed a little further out where we picked up a nice gurnard and some pack tope.


Lovely weather as well and everything ran fine having been sitting on the drive for months on end.


Just need to get some cod in now smile.gif






Glad to hear that you got out. Heard you on the blower and was going to give you a call but after a hard week at work it was just about all I could do to remember how to fish, let alone how the radio worked smile.gif


I was sitting a bit further east than you but with similar results. Got bitten off second cast with a reasonable tope I'm guesiing. Spent the day day feeding the bait robbers which were bream (I got my revenge with two of them, now in fridge awaiting the oven..) Had a bonus conger around 25lb which gave me hope for a few moments that I'd hooked a good sized c*d.


Will PM you re payments for the bait which is now ordered.






hey paul. i heard you too, i had a quick sesh and was in before low water, managed alot of doggies (grabbing baits within minutes), small tope and a nice thornback on a live mackeral which was on the bottom (avoiding doggies) hoping for a big autumn bass,


Thanks for the chat on the radio Paul as said Jackie and I spent the first two hours feeding Pout then the small Bream took over, followed by the Dog fish.

It was great to be out though. wink.gifwink.gif

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