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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Posted (edited)

Having cleared up lunch we made our way to Arish Mell Gap where we had seen a nice deep drop off earlier in the day. We started to drift over the drop and immediately were into fish, each of us pulled in a couple of really decent wrasse to start with then i had something bigger, it turned out to be a decent Pollack of a couple of pound, not bad considering we were so close in at the time.


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We moved on as our timings were planned pretty tight with the tides. We paddled and sailed past Lulworth down towards Durdle Door, neither of us had been west of Lulworth before on the kayaks so it was as much a sightseeing tour as a fishing one. We arrived at the door smack on low water, which gave us time to have a short play in the water rushing through the door.


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We moored off on a buoy 80m off of the Door to try our luck and both again got wrasse, although they were pretty small they managed to tie us both up around rocks on the bottom which proved real fun trying to get them up. We started the trip back towards Lulworth staying quite close in as the beaches were packed and the views were FINE!!!! we reached stair hole to find some climbers free climbing the arch over the entrance, it was really interesting watching them clinging to the rocks.


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Having marveled at the climbers for long enough we paddled back to the safety of the cove and there came to an end the best day on the kayak I've had in the two years I've been at it. I would like to thank Ben for the great company and plan. cheers mate. I will leave the video's of our seal launches in Mupe Bay for Ben to post as there seems to be some trouble with my photobucket login. Thanks for reading.




Edited by Harnessboy

Guy's it was good to see you all last night.


I wish i had gone with you now but I had to get my bike fixed just in case we do sell the house.


Still myself and Chris are a bit peeved at ourselves for not joining you both, after last nights chat i was expecting a good report and was not dissapointed.


Good day out guys.


Firstly brilliant report as usual Paul,

When a plan comes together its very satisfying but then you wonder if it was too cautious considering the fine conditions . As it was my first trip out from lulworth and on a spring tide I was determined not to end up with an epic struggle battling against the tide so timing was important as was the route .

0700 launch ,high tide in mupes bay 10.14 , fish worbarrow area till 1200,lunch break on beach ,sail /paddle with 7/8mph SE wind to durdle door, low water 1504 ,play about , land back in lulworth 16.00ish .

We stuck to the plan apart from having too much fun at durdle door and stair hole and I think we got in about 17.30 . .

Paul has a great way of playing things down and on more than one occasion his reply to my concerns were


Oy! excuse me, did you or did you not make it back to put your post up?????? as i said all along "It was fine"


Nice post ben, i know you only did it to use some more of the 146 shots you took. Thanks again for the day out mate, thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing.

Paul cool.gifcool.gifcool.gif

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