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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Adam and myself made an early start this morning to try and snare a cod of the needles abourd the good ship BW,And by 7am we were crossing the bay towards the cod grounds.

It was a tad lumpy out there with the wind comeing in from the south but not to bad .After finding our spot, the tide was just starting to flood and with in 1/2 hour after what seemed to be a doggy bite, my rod was buckled over to the tune of "NOD NOD NOD" thats got to be a cod biggrin.gif and sure enuff up came a very plump 12lb cod in fine condition. then barely 10 minites later adam went all quiet while reeling in .........then came a shout ANOUTHER COD! biggrin.gif only a small one but is was a cod biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif .

We thourght we were in for a good day with 2 cod in the first hour but that was out lot.we fished the hole of the flood and adam managed a small conger and I had a 4lb spotted ray along with the hoards of pout and dogs, With a smattering of good sized channels.All in all a good day.Thanks Adam for anouther cracking day biggrin.gif

Tight lines


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