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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Guys, Dave Mayne and I sneaked out earlier in the week, in search of Old Noddy, alas, we didnt sneak one. We did however connect with a few channels, squillions of good sized pout, Doggies, and a 16 1/2lb Blonde.


The Ray took my pennel rigged Macky fillet, in full tide, and after about ten minutes of coaxing, I managed to sneak it about halfway up, although it was kiting well, making full use of the tide. Skipper Dave......not wishing to be outfished, decided as it's his boat, he was the one to catch the biggest fish!! (Skippers perogative and all that!!) He DELIBERATELY cast over my line, causing rub on the taught braid, and unfortunately, the line parted, the fish sinking back to the depths...or did it? Dave immediately retorted......"Oh...I've got a bite!!" he duely hauled in a nice looking Blonde Ray, which was expecrtly netted by my good self....and boated. On checking......mmmmmmm you've guessed it! MY pennel and leader!!! The line wrapped itself round Daves second rod, and he boated the fish!!!


No, in all honesty, well done mate for sneaking the biggy!!!! Charlie, a fish in the book for Mr Mayne......diddley squat for moi!!!! wink.gif


Big thanks for help later in the day Charlie, handshakes all round, thank you.


Rich............PS The Ray tasted excellent Dave \/ !!!!!!!


Cheers for an eventfull trip out......heres to a few more!!!! wink.gif


No sour grapes there then.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nice report, a little sketchy on all the details of the trip wink.gif Did you manage to deflate your lifejacket OK after the tow? and have you spliced the anchor warp back together Dave? sad.gif


But seriously

I thought it had snapped you up and then been landed later by Dave with your gear in its mouth.

If in fact Daves hook was not in the fish it can not be counted as his fish either.


By NFSA rules as I remember them if it was landed by two anglers with two persons hooks in it neither person could claim the fish, due to sharing the effort of landing the fish.

I think that tangling up another persons gear and winding it part the way in with afish on after the other gear fails would come under the same rule.


I now think that this fish that has been put in the book will have to be ruled out.

I will discuss with other committee members tonight.


Sorry if I did not get the info right on the night, but I am sure it still tasted good.


Members thoughts please,


Charlie biggrin.gif

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