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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Had a day off yesterday and went out to Hengisbury head in Stepping Stone.


Northly winds and no tide meant it was nice and flat.


Got a few Fat Wrasse the best going 4lb 15oz.


I forgot how much fun it is keeping wrasse out of the rocks on light gear

tongue.gif Good wrasse Paul, nearly a new record. Had the RNLI pairs comp on Flamer !!! today. Fortunate to win. I was first with 12 species and 266 points, my partner Rick was second with 9 species and 213 points so we won the pairs by a mile. Plenty of fish about though. I had Whiting, Pout, Poor Cod, Dogs, Bull Huss, Ballans, Cuckoos, Corkwing,Mackerel, Scad, Pollack and Sandeel. Not bad for a 6 hour comp. Regards, BB cool.gif

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