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Left Cobbs with Cabin Boy shortly before 9am and we were out of the harbour in quick time heading east - after guidance from Rob - for another cod hunt.

When two or three miles short of our destination ther SE swell coupled with an increase in the NE wind forced our hand and we beat a hasty retreat towards Southbourne. (We opted for just being cold rather than cold and uncomfortable.)

Dropped the pick about 3/4 mile off shore and a variety of baits and rigs hit the deck.

After about 15 minutes we had interest on the dab rig - and boated a plump ----dab.

A short while later a smaller - see-through dab followed.

This was followed by a small whiting and a small early plaice.

We decided that a move to an inshore snaggy mark might up the species tally but it wasn't to be.

Similarly with a move to the harbour which was also fruitless - but not crabless.

With fingers refusing to do even the simplest task we returned to Cobbs around 3.30 after another successful but cold day afloat.


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