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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Surely there are some bright ideas out there.....................





17. Seafish invites applicants for feasibility study into bulk uses for discarded fish

Seafish, the authority on seafood, is commissioning a project to assess potential uses for discarded fish that is not destined for human consumption.

Seafish wants to identify commercially available bulk uses or outlets for discards that may be landed, assess the feasibility of accessing these bulk outlets and make recommendations on the options that industry can take forward.

Seafish is looking for applicants who are suitably qualified to undertake this project, with expertise in undertaking work of this nature, and a track record in research and delivering projects to a high standard. More information can be found at: http://www.seafish.org/about-seafish/news/...-discarded-fish

Closing date: 15 February 2012



Posted (edited)

Why so Duncan ....


Lets offset the millions of pounds that will be spent trying to resolve the issue of depleted stocks, policing any system that includes discards/quotas etc, the millions lost if fishing had to stop, and the millions spent on subsidising the fishermen left without an industry.....


Why can't we increase the net mesh size and shape to avoid smaller fish and smaller species.

Why can't we "land all you catch" and have a total tonnage quota ... Skippers found discarding to serve a 6 month ban .....

Why can't we select the lower grade edible fish for fish cakes, soups and curries and similar foodstuff for the poor and needy... Hospitals, retirement homes etc etc

Why can't we use the remainder in livestock feed, pet food, fertilizer and fish pellets for fishing, fish farming and sea bait ( pots and even groundbaits )


If the farmers on land have to diversify to survive .. why not the farmers of the sea ??


Hey Ho ....That should get a lively debate going while the weather is poor and fishing is scratching about !!! laugh.giflaugh.gifwink.gif


Dave rolleyes.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Edited by pirky

Why can't we use the remainder in livestock feed, pet food, fertilizer and fish pellets for fishing, fish farming and sea bait ( pots and even groundbaits )


It would be nice if we could stop or reduce the need target fish for this purpose


eg: ban the catching of sandeels for fertilizer etc




Debate ....ON !!!

Of course this all assumes we can keep the Euro skanky fishermen in their own back yard and living by the same rules !!!

SORRY that was not completely PC

Yahooooooooooo !!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


I read the original post as being a job advert, seeking applicants to write a Feasibility Study.


It might be nice to give the lucky candidate the benefit of our considered opinion however!



Why so Duncan ....




Dave rolleyes.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

because they wouldn't be discards if they were retained for a commercial purpose - simples unsure.gif


as to the rest, I've posted my solution before; it's not complex and it's designed to make it in everyones interests to minimise bycatch.


1. everything landed

2 up to 50% of the next years quota (for all species) permitted, on a proportionate accrual basis ie after 6 months you would have this years quota plus 25% against next years quota available.

3. once this is met for any species the boat stays in dock


infringements to be met with commercially appropriate measures ie they don't make commercial sense.


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