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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Went down to boat with Mike(codnbass)and electrics would not let me start Wishin,possibly from all the cut wires from theft that will be replaced soon.

When from across the marina an invite to go out on Sweet Pea with Mal and Laura on their newly acquired QS 640.So didn't waste any time trying to fix and jumped aboard.

Had a lovely day on Sweet Pea with lots of cuppa's,not many bites but that's due to the time of year.But between us we managed to get his species hunt of to a start.

A big thanks



hope you enjoyed your day out boys and for your company and guidance.


thanks also for the three species to get us started!


we hope you have warmed up now.


best wishes


Mal (and Laura)

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