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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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brilliant Bob - could spend hours looking at this one.


seriously powerfull images that bring these knots to life - look forward to expanding to rigs but wonder if some of the plaice gear I have been hearing about might be too much!


Cheers Duncan.


They're getting better as I learn how to draw them. Feel like redoing some of the first ones, though. They're a bit rough.


Not sure I'm up to handling the plaice rigs yet, though!! blink.gif




Yes, they are from my own fair hands (or computer keyboard).


Yeh, it's probably worth putting them on the main page. I'll have chat with Paul about it. If we do it, I'll redo the first ones which were a bit rough.




nice knot, only problem I've encountered is when it is sometime difficult to thread the mono thru the eye twice. I was using 7/0 and 50lb mono. Probably need bigger eye.


you are going to get one hell of a big knot using this with 50lb line! I find it excellent with light snoods and aberdeens but at 50lb I will be using the round turn &uni, and probably a heavier hook too. Alternatively the palomar.

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