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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hello all.

I'm launching about 8 from Milford on Sea and taking the ebb towards xchurch ledge to try and find the spot that Rob showed me on the charts .

A quick question?

Whats the seabed like in xchurch bay, sandy,snaggy, etc as i might drift with flatty rigs on?

If you see an orange log out there that will be me. Will be monitoring6/16 so say hello. "slice of life"

Drifting back after slack.



Hi Lofty,


I was speaking to a retired charter skipper last week who was telling me that he regularly drifts inshore in-front of Milford Shingle Bank at this time of the year and has plenty of Ray. He was saying that he was only a few hundred yards off the shore.....! Might be worth a go. I have had Ray, Sole, Turbot etc etc from the shore there so no doubt you'll pick them up if you drift for them properly!


Tight lines.




Thanks all. Am I right in thinking you need to be anchored for rays? I normally drift with coppered coloured rauto spoons, black and green beads on a 1 hook and a coloured watch lead for plaice. Tide should take me more or less across the bay. Any secret numbers for my gps gladly accepted via pm wink.gif


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