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I bought one of the square versions.


I did look at these but as they are round I thought it would roll around in the tide/waves


Whilst my one does not seem all that big, being oblong and that I have added some lead weight strips to the bottom of the frame, I feel that it would end up the right way round and not roll about.


I have to say I have not tried mine yet but if you are interested I could bring it down next Sunday (competition day) and let you have a look.


I do have to remmember where I packed however. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif






Cheers Coddy. Yes, I wouldn't mind a gander, if you can find it.


Did the move go ok?



Hi Bob


Yes thanks we are now moved in unsure.gif


It rained all day on the move out, snow on the way down!!! ph34r.gifph34r.gif


At least it was dry to unload!


Loads and loads of boxes etc. still to find a home! dry.gif


Keep getting lost when trying to find certain shops but that will come in time.


Got to wait for the Broadband connection so it's back to the old dial up weep.gifweep.gif








I got your email but can not respond in the normal way.


Wendy and I will pop down and say hello.



Hi Charlie & Wendy


It was very nice to meet you both and I look forward to the house warming gift, it was very kind of you both. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Thanks for the tip on getting around, begining to get the hang of the road system! unsure.gif


Hope the PC is working better and not getting too many bugs now sad.gifsad.gif


See you soon








Thanks for the tip on getting around, begining to get the hang of the road system!


It's not the road system mate it's the bloody Bournemouth drivers (of a certain age). Having said that I have just realised that I too am of 'that age', however you will soon come to admire how they can take up all three lanes at once, leave their right turn indicators on for 4 miles after which they then turn left, drive in dim dusk light without even side lights on (because it wastes electricity), and sit in the out side lane at trafic light but only indicate right after the lights change to green.


You'll come to love us I sure.........


Mad Mike




Great to meet you and Sue yesterday we hope the sorting out is going well.


You are more than welcome to the wine, we thought it might help at the end of a long day unpacking boxes.


Did the boat arrive safely?


Charlie biggrin.gif


Hi Charlie


Thanks for the wine, we have not tasted it yet as we were too knackered and I am sure we would have fallen asleep after 1 glass each or even before we had finished the fist glass! sick.gifsick.gif


I brought the boat home and managed to park it ok in the dark. It is nice to see her back on the drive again. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Just need to be allowed to use her! weep.gifweep.gif


Hi Mike


I know what you mean about the flat cap brigade! WHY do they go sooo slowly?


I can see you have an outbreak of speed cameras all around Dorset, I suppose the police are too busy chasing speeders on the non-existing motorways! mad.gif


I think I better sign up for a mind reading class so I can predict what they will do next before they think about it. Lord knows what it will be like on a Thursday when they all go and get their pensions! ph34r.gif






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