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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Posted (edited)

Wessex Region Marine




Specimen Sea Fish Award Scheme 2012

This annual competition opens on 1st December and closes on 30th November of the following year, is open to paid up Members and Members of Affiliated Clubs and is divided into two sections for fish caught from boats or for fish caught from the shore, piers, harbour walls or breakwaters.


The rules and a table of specimen weights, a specimen claim form and map of the specimen areas and boundaries can be downloaded from the Angling Trust website at http://www.anglingtrust.net (just click on the

Edited by Coddy


Do you know if it is best to enter them as you go through the season, or leave it until November?

Hi Charlie


I would suggest they get entered during the season would be best.




Posted (edited)

Hi Charlie


Here is the wording from the rules:


A Declaration in the form set out in the Schedule hereto must be filled in and signed by the captor and given by him to the Hon. Secretary of his club, and the latter will send the Declaration together with the Registration particulars in the form also set out in the Schedule duly completed, to the Hon. Fish Recorder of the Angling Trust, or other Officer appointed for this purpose, within 30 days of the capture, except in the case of fish captured in the last fifteen days of NOVEMBER, when 14 days are allowed. Personal Members registrations should be sent direct to the AT Office

Edited by Coddy


As many of us return fish, and don't weigh them on registered scales, and "trust" is our approach, is there anything specific needed for the Angling Trust that is practical with these constraints?


A photo of the fish? Witness to digital scales readout? Anything else?




Posted (edited)


As many of us return fish, and don't weigh them on registered scales, and "trust" is our approach, is there anything specific needed for the Angling Trust that is practical with these constraints?


A photo of the fish? Witness to digital scales readout? Anything else?




Hi Mike


Here is the ruling of weighing fish and a few others:



To Qualify for the Principal Awards and Certificates of Merit-

 All fish must be weighed on land on scales, steelyards or spring balances.

 All weighing must be certified in writing by an official of a recognised Angling Club, and two witnesses.

 All weighing equipment must carry a current certificate of test.


Failure to comply with any of these requirements will render the registration null and void. Certificates of Test are obtainable from the Department of Weights and Measures. A copy of this certificate must be sent to the Hon. Fish Recorder with a club or association's first registration made in any one year. All weighing equipment must be tested every 5 years and carry a current certificate of test.


However in the interests of conservation, the weight in lbs of the species Tope and Shark, may be calculated using the following formula - Girth x Girth x Length divided by 800. all measurements should be taken in ins. The girth is measured at widest part of the fish, and the length, for the purposes of these formulae only, from tip of nose to the fork in the tail. Tables of the formula are available on request from the Angling Trust, as is a formula for calculating the weight of the common skate.


Weighing at Sea -In addition, provided the registration form so indicates, fish weighed at sea will be accepted, but any certificates awarded will clearly indicate that the weight of the fish was estimated and the fish returned alive to the sea.



The following Angling Trust Marine Festival and Competition Rules No11 apply to this Competition and all competitors must abide by them:-

Rule B2,3 & S2 - as to tackle with the exception that not more than two rods with three single hooks or two pennel mounted baits between the two rods may be used. Only one pennel mounted bait is allowed on each rod and so constructed that the measurement between the eyes of the two hooks do not exceed :- 20cm for boat angling & 10 cm" for shore angling.



Only fish caught in the coastal waters of England (including the Channel Islands), Scotland, Wales and Ireland are eligible. [see also Rule 9 (v)]. A boat angling trip is normally of one day or 24 hrs duration, but if in the course of a trip, whether it be of one day or more, the boat puts into a port which is situated geographically in a different Specimen Area, then that port becomes the port of departure for the remainder of the fishing trip and the specimen weights of that port will be implemented. If for whatever reason the boat puts into a foreign port for which there are no Specimen Area Weights, then the Specimen Weights of the original port of departure will apply.


I have attached the registration form below. It is a MS Word document





Edited by Coddy

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