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Im thinking of using my boat for something other than fishing.A day trip to the I.O.W. with the wife.as I have never done this before 1st where is the best place to go,I thought perhaps Cowes? 2nd is there any other advice you chaps can help me with like,going into the harbour,where to tie the boat up and stuff like that.

THANKS in anticipation Johnnyb. huh.gif



Posted (edited)

Hi Johnny,

The 3 closest harbours are Yarmouth, Newtown Creek and Cowes.


Assuming you sleep aboard, all three will be good.


Yarmouth has some walkashore pontoons, some pontoons needing a dinghy or water taxi, and swinging moorings. Loads of pubs and eateries, and nice walks. Harbour Master will direct you to available berths.


Newtown has large white numbered visitors berths (fee payable) or you can anchor free. Dinghy essential to get ashore, and the 3 walkable pubs are all a bit of a challenge. The New Inn at Shalfleet is closest, and worth a visit. The fishing there is ok too...with typical estuary fish.


Cowes has several marinas, all quite expensive, all walkashore, but you then have access to the whole of Cowes. Cheapest is up river at the Folly Inn...on the pontoon in the middle of the river. Row ashore to the pub, or water taxi.


You can have a great break at any of them!


Edited by Mike Fox


Do some port research on:




example Yarmouth:




Get an Almanac - Yachties replace them every year as they are all loaded! If you know any ask them for an old copy!

It will have all teh info you need for approach Harbour vhf channels ect..


Or try http://sailingalmanac.com/


Just check a chart before steaming in - you never know what might be under the water! ph34r.gif






Wow looks more complicated than I thought.The more you read the scarier it gets .Great websights though,maybe Im biting off more than I can chew.


If Im brave enough I might refer to plan B .

Hang about outside the run in untill you see someone who looks like he knows where hes going and follow him in. ohmy.giflaugh.gif


Hi Johney


When I sold my boat I had to deliver it to Yarmouth. Never sailed into there before but it was easy.


Simple entering the marina as it shows where there are some berths for visitors. Closest is near where the RNLI Lifeboat is moored. Check with the harbour master that where you have moored is ok.

Just keep clear or wait until the Lymington - Yarmouth ferry is out, keeps things simple.


I would suggest launching from Lymington as it is an easy run across the Solent just keep an eye out for yachts and high speed power boats, some don't know the rules of the road!








Best advice I can give is to chose the one you fancy and give them a call either on the phone before you go, or on the correct VHF channel as you approach to make sure they have room.

Have a pen and paper handy to jot down the berth No and which side you want your fenders on.

A search on the internet gives you info and maps/charts with more info.


Yarmouth is nice.

Call them up , and as you approach a small boat arrives to guide you in.

During the week their prices are reduced.

But its only a small place.


We prefer East Cowes marina

again call them for the info

The marina is well kept and nice, free wifi and internet cafe in the office

Nice Pub just outside

and a short walk to the free chain ferry to west cowes


If in doubt call the marina/harbour office and ask

We do not bite laugh.giflaugh.gif


Did the Lymington to Yarmouth trip a couple of times in the QS620 while on hols with the uvver arf. Dropped her off at Yarmouth then went fishing, she seemed to find enough to do there for the day.


Most of these harbours get all sorts turning up so they aren't going to send out an armed patrol if you go alongside somewhere that isn't ideal, just give the harbour master a call up and ask him where you can moor for a short while.


Likeliest thing to naff them off is going in over the speed limits, they are usually well signed anyway.

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