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Before we go on Holiday on Sunday I have a pass for some fishing on Sat


I think Wendy just wants me out of the way. wink.gif


Sam is busy, Dan may be available


So this means I could crew for someone who has room, or I could have room for two on Alfresco.


Its a good tide and a good forecast so maybe its time to buddy up with another boat, to push out a bit again.

If I get crew that is


You know the routine

Please get in touch


Charlie biggrin.gif


Hi Charlie, Matt and I are planning to get well off on Saturday probably our last trip from Poole be good to buddy up or go on either boat if you have no crew




Hi peter

Subject to Dave checking the boat tonight we are now all going on his boat

0630 at cobbs

Any problems we will all go on mine instead


I will call you or Matt as soon as I know tonight

Can you let me have your no again. I do not have it on my new phone


I will bring the bacon and rolls biggrin.gif


Drafting and anchoring


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