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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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As my better half was away visiting for the weekend I had a free pass to go fishing on Saturday and Sunday. Spent a couple of hours on Sat and four hours on Sun bassing.


Sat started off chasing a flock of diving seabirds on The Shingles. They happened to be diving in 12-15' of water right on top of the bank. Drove to within 30m to a scene of swirling bass everywhere, in an area the size of a football pitch! A couple of casts brought in the first, quickly followed by 3 more. Small fish but fun on light gear. My cautious side was noting at the same time a big swell rolling over the bank, not breaking but close enough for discretion to give way to valour..


Moved over to The Bridge and caught 3 more, best just over 6, all the fish caught on softies.


Sunday saw Martin and I on The Bridge for just after first light, pretty parky it was with a fresh ene wind cutting right through you. We had 3 fruitless drifts then Martin latched into something a bit bigger. After 10 mins up popped a 9lb bass.


It was a lovely black backed fish which I would have snapped but for the fact that in taking the hook out prior to releasing the fish Martin managed to get both spiked badly and a part of lure lodged in his finger. So fish went back and dug out the plasters to stop the blood which was making a mess of the cockpit!


To cut a long story short Martin had another 6 fish up to 6 plus a large number of wrasse to about 4. I was fooling about with different softies and managed a fair sprinkling of wrasse and managed to pull out of a decent bass.


Bar a 2lber for tea all of the fish went back.


So a profitable weekend.


BTW, for those who are interested the car park had about 20 boats anchored on Saturday and about 10 on Sunday, ch6 was very quiet so I assume that not many cod were caught.




Good to see a few Bass about and well done for finding them. Its good to read about catching them, even if I cant get out for them! weather windows and days of work seem hard to come by these days!

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