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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Along with most of the boat fishing community on the south coast we rocked up just off the Needles yesterday, 42 boats in all.


First down with anchor, tripped straight away so hauled up and reset. All went very slack, a knot had undone leaving anchor, 10m of chain and 50m of rode in 90' of water.....


Out with spare anchor, this time holds first time and we start fishing and stay fishing for a couple hours when we get fed up with a. No action and b. too much weed. So haul up anchor, only to find the original rode looped around second anchor! Result! Off with second anchor retie knot (very carefully) and original back into the boat.


With luck on our side off to The Bridge and 6 bass to 8lb later (plus a lost biggie...) salvaged a day.


The cod can wait.




"So haul up anchor, only to find the original rode looped around second anchor! Result!"


Wow .... what are the chances of that ......!!!


Well done ... and for saving the day with a move too !!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Blimey Chris

You were very lucky with that anchor, Dare i suggest splicing it on rather that trusting knots.


No wonder you entered the Open, with that sort of luck running.


Charlie biggrin.gif



You are right about splices and I'll get onto it. The background to this trip is that haven't anchored for 5 months fishing on the drift for bass, so the knots that I tied this time last year had loosened.


I'm reckoning that with our change of luck I'll retrieve my lure from the lost biggie next weekend. Ah, we can but dream....


Had similar bit of luck when I lost a rod overboard, only to "catch" it with my spare rod then reeled it in to then land the smooth hound that had pulled it overboard in the first place !


Hope the cod fishing starts to,pick up as we have a trip on Manta Ray booked or mid Nov. fingers crossed. Although I intend to get out before then mind


Quite a few years ago dad had a similiar act of good fortune- he lost a 30lb tope only to hook what he thought was the mother of all blond rays, came up 200yds downtide. When it got close it was two 30lb tope - one trace tangled on the other with 3-4lb of lead attached! Dad was not impressed!! laugh.gif

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