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radiator repair man required for oil cooler

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Can't find them using yell; do you have any more details on them please (basically address/contact/phone number)?


Barrus have bounced any responsibility according to the agent, but I have just faxed them to ensure that this a true reflection on their position before I go into international rant mode - and worse the 309 quoted is plus vat (a mere


This'll keep you busy........




Serck Intertruck

Tel: 01202 733088

Unit 16, Newtown Business Pk, Poole, Dorset, BH12 3LL


PWS Engineering Ltd

Tel: 01202 746851

Unit 5, Chalwyn Industrial Est, Poole, Dorset, BH12 4PE


Proformance Developments

Tel: 01202 771222

61 Broadmayne Road, Poole, Dorset, BH12 4EH



If your too busy at work or summat like that I am happy to drive the 'phone for you. I'll be stuck at home from Friday on after an op' on my hand.


Mad Mike


Justa thought.....Exactly and specificly what is wrong with the heat exchanger? I have a good friend that runs a Turbo reconditioning factory. They can weld all sorts of metal ferrous and none ferrous and also have a metal regrowth facility.


Mad Mike


what is wrong is that the power steering fluid is 'crossing over' from it's side of the unit to the raw water side. The hole can't be big 'cos (1) the fluid is under high pressure in use and would quickly get out and (2) when not in use the water doesn't pass back into the fluid at all.


however it's not going to be easy to access anything - imagine a smartie tube made of cardboard where someonen has encased the card in copper sheet then remove the card, place inside a copper bog roll tube and hold in place with a couple of thin copper tubes through the wall of the bog roll and connected the walls of the smartie tube............


One of the site's sponsors, Holes Bay Marine, have come up with a s/h unit but it's still around 20 boxes of squid...... sad.gif


However it's a quick/clean solution and I can follow up on getting the other repaired at leisure I suppose.


Thanks for the details Mike - really appreciated.


Some times when coolers start to have perferated tubes, repairs are very difficult and expensive and the repair will only last until another hole appears elseware.


Have you any idea why this problem has occured in a fairly low hour engine?


Is it errosion from suspended sand


or an engine overheat/freeze up, remember the water is less saline near your berth therefore freezes at a lower temp than straight salt water


If you could establish that, then a decision between repair or replace may be easier to make/justify.


Remember that constant breakdowns and tows will soon knock everyones confidence in the engine, and in your case will seriously dent the time available for fishing.


I hope the remidy is swift and as painless as possible to your wallet

Tight lines again soon


Charlie biggrin.gif


thanks Charlie - pretty much how I read it.


Have 'check engine zincs' on the agenda as another possible cause.


Will get the s/h unit and then pursue the existing unit slowly and surely if I can find someone who is prepared to play with it!


Isn't there something call radiator weld or something which 'plugs' small holes in radiators in cars? Or egg white, which Jeremy Clarkson used on his 928 in Top Gear ..... rolleyes.gif not suggestion you put egg in Phaeton tho.

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