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Hi Everyone. This is forum is looking good so far .  

Well I feel I can now let the cat out of the bag now that the insurance is all settled now.

After calling dean and reddyhoff on a Saturday and asking them to launch my boat ready for a trip on sunday I was rudely woken early sunday morning with a text message asking for me to call the marina. I called and was told they forgot to put the bung In the boat and it had submerged a fair old way. They didn't  realise something was wrong until at 2am in the morning  a late night reveller going back to their boat raised the alarm. I was told that part by a good source. The engine was totally under water looking at the slime marks on the trailing cover and had 3" of water up in the cuddy bench seat locker. After an initial try to fob me off with that will be ok we will sort it  , I wasn't happy with that so the haggling ensued. After fighting long and hard I managed to get a brand new 165 with 70 suzi again and had some extras put on by warrior while it was under construction. New boat delivered 22nd December . The money side of things is also sorted by the insurance too, but the man hours , time off work , emails,  letters, ect has been huge and all dean and reddyhoff offered was a £500 good will jesture.. Not even an official letter of apology. Customer service is terrible. I have just ordered a brand new sbs trailer and will be getting the hell out of dean and redyhoff asap.  

Just another tip if you know anyone who has been dry stacked at dean and redyhoff in 2012 and they have complained that they noticed  rust specks on their boat around the time that sunseekers were shot blasting an old steel boat right next to the dry stack.....After complaining I was credited £205 from my fees for the hull needing a buff and polish.

 Good fishing marks around Weymouth would be gratefully received as my plotter went with the old boat.   Cheers Guys  


Hi Pegleg


Sorry to hear of the problems you have experianced but at least you seem to have got them sorted somewhat.


Regarding marks around Weymouth, I have posted some on the new forum under "New Member Club Marks" and have also asked for some marks to add.


I have a few which I will PM you, if they are any good please advise as they were given to me.





Well to be honest they say once the engine has been completely submerged then it is scrap . I think I was lucky that my boat was only 18 months old so for their insurance company to find a replacement exactly the same as mine was not worth their time looking for . It was quite surprising how much damage the battery did to the fixtures and fittings while fizzing away under water for hours. Initially their assessor just wanted to replace the engine , but after asking warrior if they would cover any possible future issues with the hull they said no, which was understandable. So they were left with no choice but to replace the boat .

Im sure that we all have a few stories about the goings on at marinas , good and bad, but if we all knew about them then we would make an informed choice  about using their over priced facilities and leaving your boat in their hands. Who really believes they are getting value for money. I sure don't and how the heck do they get all these awards ?

That's why I am so glad to make the decision to buy a new trailer .  


I have heard stories from more than one person working in the marine trade, that they get a lot of work from Marinas to fix stuff that the Marina has done 'before the owner notices'... :o  :angry:

Well not many of us are perfect. Hands up who have forgot their own bungs?

But this one is terrible example of customer care


But sometimes Marina Managers take photo's of customers getting it wrong. [i still have it Charlie LOL]


Well not many of us are perfect. Hands up who have forgot their own bungs?

But this one is terrible example of customer care


But sometimes Marina Managers take photo's of customers getting it wrong. [i still have it Charlie LOL]


Charlie, I doubt there are many as perfect as you! :rolleyes:  

I couldn't have hoped to have made a minor (crew-assisted) launching screwup in a better staffed marina! :lol:  :wub:


I think its bad that they get the boats repaired without the owner knowing about it. I always felt that their was an air of secrecy around Portland and perhaps in other Marinas .  I have heard a story that a boat was getting lifted out of a shipping container using a forklift  and they carried on lifting the boat up which lifted the container off the ground and squashing the boat inside . Don't think they could cover that one up..


In my experiance it is never worth trying to cover anything up, it just bites you harder in the arse later.


With my staff I have a policy that if they cock up, they own up, and then we make a plan to put things right.


1st thing on the list would be contact the owner.


Glad the result was good, but its a great shame that your old boat was wrecked.




Hmmm, all sounds a bit worrying, still at least there is no fear of launching problems in the near future as the bl**dy forklift is out of action at Portland!!  It was originally going to take a couple of weeks to fix but that looks likely to run into 6-8 weeks.


They offered to use the sailing academy hoist to launch the boat but given how it is sitting on the dry stack it would mean jacking the boat up to get straps under so that ain't going to happen.


Got to say that in the short time we've been there the staff have all seemed helpful but it sounds as though they aren't infallible.


Problem with this business, we all use specialised machines


When they have serious problems , you can not just hire in replacements


No doubt you are talking to them about a payment break Paul, while you can not use your boat.


Charlie :D

  • 3 weeks later...

Considering we all signed a contract at Portland and were promised boat launch within the hour we should all get a break on the fees. I recall originally the dry stack was to be under cover but that still hasn't happened too. Concerning the forklift they are really dragging their heels with no real explaination. Breach of contract comes to mind. Thankfully im getting out and moved a little closer today by digging out my rear garden and laying some stone ready to park my boat on..   

  • 5 weeks later...

Can any one confirm that Portland marina is for sale and has been for a while now ? £12 mil i hear. Can think of better things to spend the money on.

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