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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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If I'm on Facebook and I want to view a YouTube video then it takes me there via tapatalk. I now can't post photos on proboards as it is conflict with tapatalk. I can't get rid of it off my phone. I've deleted everything and reinstalled my iPhone, takes hours , and I still can't use photobucket as tapatalk is somehow piggybacking this website and overiding google

An example below



If you wiped your phone, did u re-install tapatalk again?


If not, then god knows how its still doing it..


Its a mega popular app. 3500 positive reviews..


So i would think its something that aint set right your end..


Just tested a facebook vid that links to youtube, and it opened as normal.




Pic uploaded by photobucket app as normal.



All this via iphone 5.. So im not sure whats happened with urs.


If I'm on Facebook and I want to view a YouTube video then it takes me there via tapatalk. I now can't post photos on proboards as it is conflict with tapatalk. I can't get rid of it off my phone. I've deleted everything and reinstalled my iPhone, takes hours , and I still can't use photobucket as tapatalk is somehow piggybacking this website and overiding google

An example below




Do you no longer have Tapatalk installed ?

Is the problem going from Facebook to view utube videos ?

What do you mean "has conflict with Tapatalk" ?


I can use either safari or Tapatalk, I haven't seen any option to make something open in tapatalk, it just opens in whatever app I chose to use. You will have to show me what is happening at the club meeting as I can't see what would cause the issues you are seeing.


On the forum here, all I have done is install the Tapatalk hook which allows Tapatalk to communicate with the forum. There is also a script in the header which will give a message to state that Tapatalk is available for use. This is shown once and a cookie is then saved to the browser to prevent asking every time.


Regarding Tapatalk preventing use of photo bucket. Puzzled. There is an issue I have created because all the traffic to forums now comes here, but this shouldn't stop photo bucket working. What is the exact symptoms ?


I have noted though that the Tapatalk app won't display the embedded you tube videos.

The mobile skin does, so that is best to use for viewing forum and Tapatalk adds ability to upload pictures.


And our neighbour with his mobile restaurantpost-1213-13622471805003_thumb.jpg

And another of Mal same pic but enhanced and largerpost-1213-1362247257521_thumb.jpg


Not very big pics?



Here's the old way

Both ways I find equal in ease but can't wait for some real fishy porn to give tapatalk a go from boat




It is the settings I have made. Enables the images to fit nicely on a phone screen :)

Clicking on the image will show full size


BTW : Fixed the problem showing old images which were linked to the old forum


I have doubled the max attachment thumbnail height and width size. Might break when next upload is done - will see

I did suggest uploading to Tapatalk's hosting..


Surely this wouldn't affect the max attachment size..


Subtle difference.


Your images are uploaded to photobucket and the URL is to the photobucket site. Nothing wrong with that  but the image is not on this site

The images uploaded by nigel were uploaded to this site ( in the forum ), so are hosted by this site and are displayed in the post as an attachment - the thumbnail for the attachment is generated by this site and was a bit small, so I have increased its size and it just so happens it fits perfectly on the mobile skin now as well.


Still, good to know there is more than one way of getting images on here. What would be good is if we can upload to the gallery directly via some fancy app :)


and thanks for all this testing. Just need to persuade Lofty that this site isn't what has broken his proboards etc. !


Post 21 wasn't (so shows it works).. 27 was a photobucket test..



But all in all, it makes this site as accesible as others... And great work ;-)



P.s. i did say for tapatalk users to chose to host on tapatalks servers.. Nigel ;-) lol


from research i now know its attached itself to ios6 . its some sort of embedded code that cant be removed. Im sure its ok but its the principle that pisses me off. Its like a legal virus. ive deleted everything off my iphone and if i go to a link from proboards ,as it goes to safari first it goes to tapatalk then safari.There isnt a setting to turn it off as its now installed itself to ios6.

ive got two choices

ignore it or embrace it.


Nice big pic now Paul, fish doesn't look any bigger mind!!! (Though i am jealous!).


Well done on getting old pics to work!!



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