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The transom had been built up with a piece of 1" marine ply so the previous owner could put a 115Hp outboard on the back.

So I marked out the a bit to cut away (thickness) so my 50Hp will fit. Then cut away layer by layer until it was the right thickness and fitted the outboard with the help of a friend. Oops the stirring cable did not come out in the right place so cut a bit away and got that through slid the cable through the bit it was meant to go and done up the nut, then I realised there was a bit missing! the link
Steering Drag Link Bar Arm Outboard Motor Engine MERCURY 50Hp
Has any one got one? Or where is the best place to get one? Tried ebay but the only one there was £3.60 but from the US. Hay that's cheap until you see the postage, you could buy about 20 more here if they were the same price here, but bet they are not?
AJ  :ph34r: 

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