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The Blue Marine Foundation and Dorset Coast Forum would like to invite you to attend our national conference entitled “Managing Marine Protected Areas” to be held on the 18th of September 2013 at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy, Portland, Dorset.


We hope you will join us to discuss how to achieve best practice in managing MPAs of all kinds around the UK coast with fishermen, scientists, fisheries managers and retailers. Please see the agenda and booking form accompanying this email for more information and return the completed booking form to dorset.coast@dorsetcc.gov.uk. If you have any queries about the event, please contact the Dorset Coast Forum on 01225 224833.


Please forward this invitation to colleagues you feel would be interested in attending.


We very much look forward to you joining us there. 


Best wishes,


Charles Clover


The Blue Marine Foundation 


Bridget Betts  

Dorset Coast Forum



Tel: +44 (0) 1305 224833

Web: www.dorsetcoast.com



iCoast - http://www.icoast.co.uk  for all coastal and water recreation activities on the Dorset coast.

Dorset Coastal Planning - http://www.dorsetcoastalplanning.com/- map based marine and coastal data, the C-SCOPE  marine plan, policies, licences and permissions.

Blue Marine Foundation Conference - Managing Marine Protected Area agenda.pdf

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