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It’s getting to be quite difficult to write these reports, as the internet makes it easy to be aware of more and more organisations which are trying to save our seas and the life within. I’ll continue to do my best to pick out anything relevant for the monthly summary, but I might miss something! So perhaps have a look at who I follow on Twitter (most are marine conservation related!) by looking me up at @charlieannear


Some of this month’s hot topics:

Shark Finning. EU has closed loopholes, Brunei brought in a ban, a number of airlines have banned transportation, Hacked Off campaign by celebrity chefs including Gordon Ramsay and HFW, Selfridges (shark liver oil called ‘squalene’ is used in cosmetics) and ZSL (Zoological Society of London- London Zoo) campaign for shark protection.

Marine litter- Chinese lanterns. More publicity due to huge fire at plastics recycling plant, public support for a ban increasing.



- Nothing to report


European Fisheries reform:

- No developments since last month’s voting.



- Nothing to report


Maria Damanaki (EU Commissioner responsible for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries):

- No more #shark finning in #EU! I welcome @EUCouncil decision to follow up on @EU_Commission proposal to introduce shark finning ban

- In #Strasbourg for plenary debate on Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing #IUU: watch live now http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ep-live/en/plenary/video?date=11-06-2013 …

- Now #CFPreform is on track, enforcement of control and #IUU policy will become my clear priority

- #Sustainability is the red line connecting #CFPreform with #IUU

- It's essential to ensure that international #conservation rules are also enforced on the wild fish we import #IUU

- Over past 3 years @EU_Commission undertook identification process of non-cooperating 3rd countries #IUU: 8 countries given a "yellow card"

- Our objective is fundamental reform of #fisheries #control systems: satellite control, inspections, laws allowing effective sanctions #IUU

- We convinced #Fiji, #Togo, #Sri Lanka &#Panama to make great progress in moving to effective #fisheries #control system #IUU

- For other countries which are non-cooperative, I intend to start preparations for next steps which could entail trade measures #IUU

- In 2017 #EMD will be hosted by Poole, UK (European maritime Day)

- Happy to see Korean Air on board with us to help #stopsharkfinning! http://mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-23/korean-air-joins-cathay-pacific-in-curbing-shark-fin-transport.html …

- Great news! @EP_Fisheries overwhelmingly agreed on #CFPreform agreement & compromise on Common market organisation of #Fisheries #CMO


Angling Trust:

- Fighting a case against a sewage outfall on behalf of Mersey anglers- First Sea Angling case taken on.

- Highlighting proposed bye-law limiting bait digging in seagrass beds within the SIFCA area.

Objections to this bylaw may be submitted in writing by 19th July to; Marine Conservation and Enforcement Team, Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 7YH (or IFCAbyelaws@marinemanagement.org.uk) and must send a copy of this statement to the CEO at Southern IFCA, 64 Ashley Road, Parkstone, Poole Dorset BH14 9BN (or enquiries@southern-ifca.gov.uk).

The Angling Trust's Isle of Wight Marine Region has already raised concerns over the bylaw which, along with a copy of the bylaw advert, can be downloaded for reference from the Angling Trust website HERE

We encourage all Angling Trust members and member clubs within the SIFCA district to read the bylaw and associated documents before submitting any comments to the IFCA using the contact details above.



- Next meeting 25 July 2013.


B.A.S.S (http://www.ukbass.com/news/):

- Recreational angling sector generates €500m annually

- How bad does it have to get . . . before the powers that be pull their heads out of the sand and act . . .

Fishing Mortality is increasing. Total biomass was 32% lower than in the previous three years.


Hugh’s Fishfight:

- Today I Learned ‏@OfficialTIL 10,000 shipping containers are lost at sea each year and 10% of those hold toxic chemicals which may leak into the ocean

- @garry_thomas reforms to CFP mean fishing quotas will have to be set in line with science & what's sustainable. That may mean up OR down

-  "The public have been rightly disgusted by spectacle of edible fish thrown back in sea" @RichardBenyonMP in House of Commons

- Show your support for marine protected areas in Antarctica here - the world can decide in July:

- Fish Fighters sent 24,348 emails to @DefraGovUK consultation on #MCZs, of 40k total. #fishfight

- Fish Sec ‏@FishSecretariat It is expected that more than 15 million juvenile cod will be discarded in the Baltic Sea in 2014, according to ICES figures

- RT @Bite_Back: Gordon & Hugh get behind Bite-Back ‘Hacked Off!’ campaign to make UK 1st country to ban shark fin soup http://bit.ly/19gLBWl

- Oceana ‏@Oceana  BIG NEWS! EU closes loophole in shark finning ban! Finning forbidden in EU waters + by all EU vessels! http://ow.ly/lOpOP


Marine Management Organisation (MMO):

- Commercial boats in CCTV trial demonstrate almost zero discards http://www.marinemanagement.org.uk/news/press/130618.htm


Lyme Bay:

- Lyme Bay have a dedicated website: http://www.lymebayreserve.co.uk/


Dorset Wildlife Trust:

- The Wildlife Trusts ‏@wildlifetrusts  12 Jun 

350,000 signatures for Marine Protected Areas en route to Downing St. First a quick stop off at Houses of Parliament! pic.twitter.com/US1OhSeUFy


MCS (Marine Conservation Society):

- Balloons and Chinese lanterns (pollution) http://www.mcsuk.org/what_we_do/Clean+seas+and+beaches/campaigns+and+policy/Don't+let+go+-+balloons+and+sky+lanterns

- Subsidies fuelling overfishing http://www.mcsuk.org/what_we_do/Fishing%20for%20our%20future/Fisheries%20-%20what%20we%20do/Help%20end%20the%20blind%20spend%20on%20subsidies


MRC (Marine Reserves Coalition):

- Are we turning the tide on marine litter http://www.marinereservescoalition.org/2013/05/21/are-we-turning-the-tide-on-ocean-rubbish/


FCF (Fisheries Conservation Foundation):




- Profits rise as overfishing falls http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Profits-for-fishermen-rise-as-overfishing-falls.aspx#.UcqtoQu8r3M.twitter

- Caution urged in bumper year for eels http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Caution-urged-as-endangered-eels-enjoy-bumper-year.aspx#.UZT82ePqfcQ.twitter


GOC (Global Ocean Commission):

- Unravelling the effect of #ocean #acidification on oysters http://goo.gl/i4Afi

- 7th Continent expedition documents #ocean plastic - video report http://goo.gl/aaMXH

- Threats, challenges and changes to the global #ocean to be examined by #GOceanC2 meeting, Friday and Saturday in NY. http://goo.gl/VhDXh


NOAA (USA, but interesting to see what they are doing compared to us):

- Science spotlight—changing sea surface temps and water circulation patterns affecting young Atlantic cod food supply: http://1.usa.gov/15niWZ7

- Researchers in New England look for ways to reduce mortality of cod bycatch in recreational #fisheries. Read more: http://1.usa.gov/106NNbG 


Pew Charitable Trusts:

-Join the Fisherman’s Conservation Corps! http://www.pewenvironment.org/news-room/compilations/join-the-fishermens-conservation-corps-85899470700

- Coral Sea, last remaining intact tropical ocean ecosystem, will form world’s largest marine park system. http://ow.ly/lUUWB  #Australia

- Enforcement in action: US court orders 3 men to pay $29 million in restitution to S. Africa for illegal fishing. http://ow.ly/med72  #IUU

- Time for #ICCAT to follow the science to prevent #overfishing of bluefin #tuna. http://ow.ly/mdWsH

- New video: the future of bluefin #tuna depends on better management, sound science. http://ow.ly/mfQAL

- .@HuffingtonPost: Surface longline fishing: taking its toll on bluefin #tuna. http://ow.ly/mfQLQ  Time to stop this wasteful practice.

- Our expert Paul Shively in @csmonitor: “Without little fish, there can be no big fish.” http://ow.ly/mg6K0  @PacificCouncil

- Why create Antarctic marine reserves? Here are the top 10 reasons. http://ow.ly/mpi8s

- #Antarctic marine reserves could more than double the amount of ocean protected. http://ow.ly/mpGRE

- More than 85% of the world’s #fisheries are in decline. http://ow.ly/mrN0w 

- A misguided proposal from @NOAA could undermine state #shark conservation laws. Learn more. http://ow.ly/mscPA

- Offshore #wind could power 4x the amount of electrical generation in America today. #windworks http://ow.ly/mADss


BBC News:

- North Sea cod stocks 'on road to sustainability' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22820162

- Study finds shipwrecks threaten precious seas http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22806362

- Shark spawning ground found on Mingulay Reef by Edinburgh scientists http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-22886834

- PIB spills 'unlikely' to affect South West seabird colonies http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-22985947

- Australia-Japan whaling case in international court http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-23045457

- Bird clean-up operation cost Somerset's RSPCA £10,000 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-23078092

- Navitus Bay offshore wind farm consultation starts http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-23052586


Channel 4 News:

- No Marine articles


Navitus Bay:

- Latest round of consultation underway


The Guardian:

-  Sustainable Scalloping scheme around the Isle of Man http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2013/jun/27/isle-of-man-scallops-shellfish-success-story

- Could the world’s largest marine reserve be created in July? http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/planet-oz/2013/jun/17/antarctic-oceans-marine-sanctuary?CMP=twt_gu

- Cod stocks show good signs http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2013/jun/08/cod-stocks-recover-overfishing-marine


The Daily Mail:

- Trash Fish on the menu in US restaurants (but is this encouraging bad fishing practices?) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2349140/Sea-slugs-tuna-spines-make-way-restaurant-menus-chefs-ditch-expensive-fish-cheap-trash-sea.html

- Trash on the ocean floor, deep down and a long way out http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2349062/Our-deep-sea-garbage-dump-18-000-hours-footage-shows-Pacific-seafloor-heaped-man-trash.html?utm_content=buffer4cd6f&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Buffer


The Yorkshire Post:

- Alternative fish species are not necessarily more sustainable  http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/main-topics/general-news/alternative-fish-species-not-more-sustainable-1-5750162

- Australia close to having the world’s largest area of MPA’s http://www.abc.net.au/environment/articles/2013/06/06/3775411.htm


House of Commons Science and Technology Committee:

- Report on water quality (Microplastics) http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmselect/cmsctech/272/272i.pdf


Great work Charlie,an issue that really does wind me up is the inshore/poole bay trawling by the same two boats.

If you come across any petition or an organisatition against this practice I would be extremely interested as we all witness their devastation first hand

Thanks Nigel


Hi Charlie


Great work - keep it up! Can you let me know the time and venue of the next PDSAA meeting (on the 25th July) as I'd like to come along if I am allowed (not sure if it's a closed meeting or not) and if I can make it. Thanks


Nigel (Horsman)


Thanks chaps


I know a lot of these topics may seem like they are a long way away from Poole Bay, but most of our seas are all linked and eventually the ripples (haha) from these things will reach us.  Unfortunately.


Mal- I think the big things this year will include (in no particular order)

-Marine litter & microplastics



-Collapse of Bass stocks

May be able to get a few of the videos in my reports shown at a meeting...


Nigel A- I think this is something that the SIFCA are currently working on tackling (haha again). I'll confirm and report back.


Nigel H- Will do

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