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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The report is a bit of a monster this month!

I’m not sure if there are an increasing number of organisations taking an interest in what happens in the seas and oceans, or whether it’s just that the internet makes it easier to find out about them. Either way, there’s a lot to read!

Many of the stories and information that I pass on comes from various ‘channels’ on the internet.  I use Twitter, Facebook, several news sites and have signed up for a few email distribution lists.

To see who I am following on Twitter, look me up at @charlieannear


Some of this month’s hot topics:

  • Marine pollution- plastics
  • Increased protection for sharks and rays
  • CFP Reform
  • Illegal fishing
  • MPA’s/MCZ’s

CITES (http://cites.org/):

- No updates


CFP Reform Watch (http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/):

- Commission adopts IUU (illegal fishing) vessel list: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/mare/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=11499 …

- Member states want to make it easier to get money from the #EMFF even if you break the rules. http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/2013/07/council-finalises-general-approach-on-emff/ … #CFPreform

- Member states want more € for outermost areas, less for data collection. #EMFF figures agreed yesterday: http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/2013/07/council-finalises-general-approach-on-emff/ … #CFPreform

- Fisheries ministers actually agreed on something before midnight. #EMFF general approach finalised. http://www.eu2013.lt/en/news/pressreleases/member-states-agreed-on-a-new-european-maritime-and-fisheries-fund … #CFPreform

- Council confirmed today the political agreement with the EP on basic reg. & CMO reg. in the #CFPreform : http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_Data/docs/pressdata/en/agricult/138079.pdf …

- Rapporteur @AlainCadec says engine replacement & fleet renewal are real measures to reduce capacity: http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/2013/07/slim-majority-for-vessel-construction-aid-in-fisheries-committee/ … #EMFF #CFPreform

- "EU waters are already overfished. Why would we spend €1.6bn on new boats?" @nef asks in new briefing: http://www.neweconomics.org/blog/entry/eu-waters-are-already-overfished-why-would-we-spend-1.6bn-on-new-boats … #CFPreform


DEFRA (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs):

- Biodiversity 2020


Maria Damanaki (EU Commissioner responsible for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries):

- Maximum Sustainable Yields by 2015 are a reachable target for our fish stocks! #MSY Read my blog http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/damanaki/msy-2015-an-achievable-target-to-protect-stocks/ …

- I am disappointed that #CCAMLR was unable to agree on protecting marine areas in #Antarctic. # MPA

- Follow today my press conference at 12 on the establishment of #MaritimeZones including #EEZ in the Med. Watch live http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/ebs/live.cfm?page=1 …


Angling Trust (http://www.anglingtrust.net/):

- Any sea anglers wondering what our new Sport England programmes could mean for them, check out this month's Total Sea Fishing mag, page 54


B.A.S.S (http://www.ukbass.com/news/):

- http://www.ukbass.com/banging-the-drum-for-conservation/

- http://www.ukbass.com/getting-a-grip/

- http://www.ukbass.com/the-bass-crystal-ball/

- http://www.ukbass.com/newsflash-better-protection-of-eu-bass-stocks-might-just-be-imminent/


Hugh’s Fishfight (http://www.fishfight.net/):

- Skipper and owner fined more than £6,000 for illegal scallop dredging inside Lyme Bay marine protected area http://www.marinemanagement.org.uk/news/news/130704.htm …

- Govt responds to the 40,000 people who submitted to consultation on #MCZs. Over 24k of those via #FishFight website https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/marine-conservation-zones-consultation-on-proposals-for-designation-in-2013 …

- In 2011, for first time in modern history, world farmed fish production topped beef production http://www.queenslandcountrylife.com.au/blogs/agribuzz-with-david-leyonhjelm/beef-faces-a-fish-fight/2664671.aspx?storypage=0 …

- Huge Thai prawn producer CP Foods & UK supermarkets making big promises on prawn feed. Now show us action: http://www.fishfight.net/blog/prawn_promises/ … #fishfight

- CP Foods & UK supermarkets promise prawn feed action. Your pressure is creating change around the world! http://www.fishfight.net/blog/prawn_promises/ … #fishfight

- Sci/Tech Committee of MPs unhappy that Gov't still won't set out a timetable for full network to protect our seas http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/science-and-technology-committee/news/130702-marine-gvt-response-to-be-published/ …

- North Sea nations are already getting to grips with implementing the discard ban http://www.fishnewseu.com/latest-news/world/10736-north-sea-nations-and-discard-implications.html … #fishfight


Marine Management Organisation (MMO) (http://www.marinemanagement.org.uk/news/index.htm):

-  This weekend sees the start of @wildlifetrusts #NationalMarineWeek, see http://bit.ly/15QfS9G  for more information

- New report note and data catalogue for tourism relevant to #marineplanning in the South marine plan areas report http://bit.ly/15n9STY

- May 2013's monthly catch statistics including main species caught, area of capture and quantities landed http://bit.ly/RZzhkv

- Our #marineplanning drop-in sessions have already heard from fishermen, sailors, divers and local planners. Come and join the conversation

- Find out what #marineplanning means for you by watching our short film http://bit.ly/15B0s8U  and come along to our drop-in sessions

- Marine wildlife disturbance guidance clarifying rules and best practice relating to disturbances of marine wildlife http://bit.ly/1bWDuOp

- New rules prevent shark fins from being removed on board vessels – no UK vessel has had a permit for this since 2009 http://bit.ly/1dJMt3M

- England is one of the first countries in the world to plan across all marine activities #marineplanning http://bit.ly/18kZm7l

- Updated inshore vessel monitoring system project after supplier workshop with presentation and draft specification http://bit.ly/11QAydE


Lyme Bay (http://www.lymebayreserve.co.uk/):

- CONFERENCE: Managing Marine Protected Areas: 18th September @WPNSA with @Bluemarinef. Visit: http://bit.ly/1bvUQTM  for more info. #MPA

- Who said #fishermen, #conservationists, #scientists & #regulators couldn't work in harmony? We're proof that a working partnership can work!

- Our Voluntary Code of Conduct helps to improve the knowledge and understanding of Lyme Bay fisheries. Read more: http://on.fb.me/13Dovrj .

- British farmers are paid to conserve on land. Our project will find ways which fishermen can gain similar benefits from conservation at sea.


Dorset Wildlife Trust (http://www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk/):

- RT @lymebayreserve: Love #marinelife as much as we do? Then get involved with @DorsetWildlife #NationalMarineWeek and find out why our...

- Chocks Away for the Chesil Beach Centre! http://bit.ly/1c5QT8z

- Come & find out all about the fascinating wildlife of Chesil Beach & beyond http://ow.ly/nmccd  Sunday #Chesil 10-5pm

- The latest from the @WildlifeTrusts on the Marine Conservation Zones Govt. consultation - more delays! http://ow.ly/n6csa  #mczs #marine


MCS (Marine Conservation Society) (http://www.mcsuk.org/):

- Discouraged a lot of balloon releases and convinced more retailers to stop selling Chinese lanterns


MRC (Marine Reserves Coalition) (http://www.marinereservescoalition.org/):

- Greenpeace’s @williemackenzie on why sharks need parks (and for you to stop rubbing them on your face) http://www.marinereservescoalition.org/2013/07/30/sharks-need-parks/ … #SharkParks

- Scotland today launches consultation on new Scottish National Marine Plan and Marine Protected Area network http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/marine/marine-consultation … #MPAs

- Institute of Fisheries Management criticises Gov decision to slash Marine Conservation Zone proposals by 75% http://www.fishnewseu.com/latest-news/uk/10839-fresh-claims-for-english-mczs.html … #MCZs

- Marine reserves help sharks! New research by University of WA shows greater shark numbers inside Fiji reserve. http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/marine-reserves-help-shark-numbers-says-university-of-wa-researcher-20130722-2qe5z.html …

- Porbeagle sharks spotted off North Yorkshire coast after spell of hot weather http://fw.to/iZKRAMG  via @Telegraph @ZSLMarine

- BBC News - Scottish Natural Heritage & Uni of Exeter basking shark tagging project to resume http://bbc.in/12JkeR7  Led by @SNH_Tweets

- EU #SharkFinning ban! All sharks landed in EU ports & by EU vessels must have fins attached http://www.worldfishing.net/news101/industry-news/shark-finning-ban#sthash.BChStZ6P.dpuf … http://www.worldfishing.net/news101/industry-news/shark-finning-ban …


FCF (Fisheries Conservation Foundation) (http://www.fishconserve.org/):

- RT @SJC_fishy: Anglers! Did u know holding salmon in flow B4 release doesn't improve survival?http://bit.ly/18U53s2  @AnglinAuthority @PSF

- Has the US truly failed in marine species protection? What do people think? http://trap.it/3EWGHy


Fish2Fork (http://www.fish2fork.com/home/news-index.aspx):

-  Fisherman fined after landing 13 tonnes of illegal scallops #ocean #fish http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Fisherman-fined-after-landing-13-tonnes-of-illegal-scallops.aspx#.UeFVyO0B7NM.twitter …

- Back to the bad old days? MEPs vote for boat-building susbsidies #oceans #cfp #emff #eu #fish #ocean2012 #bloom http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Dismay-as-MEPs-vote-for-return-of-subsidies-for-new-boats.aspx#.Ud2e3aTUbzs.twitter …

- Judge rules minister is entitled to redistribute unused fishing quota #fpo #ukafpo #cfp #defra #realfishfight #oceans http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Quota-ruling-hailed-as-massive-win-for-small-scale-fishermen.aspx#.Ud1nrM5oKd8.twitter …

- Report warns that subsidies for the fishing industry will undermine #cfp reforms #ocean #emff #europe #nef http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/More-than-20000-new-boats-could-be-built-with-subsidies-report-warns.aspx#.UdaGfB9KpC4.twitter …

- Atlantic halibut fishery given MSC certification despite 'endangered' classification by IUCN #oceans #fish #msc http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Atlantic-halibut-fishery-given-MSC-certification-despite-endangered-classification.aspx#.UdQq0c6KR20.twitter …

- Electronic vessel ID 'will cut overfishing on high seas', says ocean commission http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Electronic-vessel-ID-will-cut-overfishing-on-high-seas-says-ocean-commission.aspx


GOC (Global Ocean Commission) (http://www.globaloceancommission.org/):

- Filling gaps on #ocean-climate change interactions. NOAA expedition to research on #ocean #acidification http://goo.gl/3HFzJK

- EU fosters UNCLOS Implementing Agreement process: 'negotiations should be launched as soon as possible' http://un.mfa.lt/index.php?941856883 … #highseas

- Weapons hidden aboard -tracking system had been switched off http://goo.gl/w1Jv3  Mandatory vessel monitoring to tighten security loophole

- Krill disappearing in Southern Ocean due to acidification. Profound consequences on rest of ocean food chain http://goo.gl/L5tF0

- All high seas vessels should be identifiable and trackable, says Global #Ocean Commission http://goo.gl/Uuxac  #GOceanC2


The Black Fish (The Black Fish is a fast growing movement of ordinary people working to end illegal overfishing of the oceans.) (http://www.theblackfish.org):

-  Why driftnets are the issue http://www.theblackfish.org/blog/archive/2013/06/04/why-driftnets-are-the-issue … #driftnets #oceans #activism

- Losing Nemo: new animation film sounds alarm on effects of industrial overfishing http://www.theblackfish.org/film 

- Our crew spent the summer investigating illegal fishing practices in the Mediterranean. Read about their experiences http://www.theblackfish.org/blog 

- 'Somali pirates offer protection to illegal fishing vessels' http://ow.ly/20784j 

- Great new video about @ghostfishing - cleaning the oceans of discarded fishing gear which harms wildlife https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10201839343532116 … #oceans

- A very important petition to sign - backing up campaigners calling for protection of the Baltic Sea http://ow.ly/204jG1  @Race4theBaltic

- Estimated €1.1 billion worth of illegal seafood is sold in EU every year. The fishing industry continues to operate in relative obscurity.

- EU fisheries committee voted with slim majority for €1.6bn in new fishing subsidies. EU parliament will have final vote later #seesomesense

- $25-$29 billion subsidises fishing industry annually. Let's hope EU doesn't vote for further €1.6bn in damaging subsidies tomorrow #EMFF


Oceana (Working hard to protect our oceans. Fighting against offshore oil & destructive fishing. Fighting for clean energy, sharks, & turtles.) (http://oceana.org/en/eu/home):

- Pirate fishing makes up 1/3 of global catch, costing between $10 and $23 billion annually: http://ow.ly/nv9PE  #piratefishing

- :) BIG NEWS for the Big Apple! NY bans shark fin trade: http://ow.ly/nqgvW  #stopsharkfinning

- Conservationists Call For Quiet: The Ocean Is Too Loud! @npr: http://ow.ly/npYlc  STOP seismic today: http://ow.ly/npYUE 

- 25 Years of Marine Debris (Infographic) http://ow.ly/nhqMK  #scuba #reducereuserecycle via @padi

- SICK: Images of fishermen with dead sharks spur DFO probe - New Brunswick - CBC News http://bit.ly/17DezfB  via @dianen56

- Plastic for dinner? Big fish eat more than you might expect: http://ow.ly/nhq9g  #plasticpollutes

- The most dangerous sea creatures in the world are on this graphic: http://ow.ly/n7X9H

- Scientists study ‘plastisphere’ and its insidious role in our ocean @BostonGlobe #plasticpollution

- A more acidic ocean may wipe out Antarctic krill http://ow.ly/mYyTr  http://ow.ly/i/2C78l  #SOSAntarcticOcean

- As if ocean trash wasn't bad enough -- Disease-Bearing Invaders Cruise on Ocean Trash: http://ow.ly/mBcLG  @discovery


Pew Charitable Trusts (http://www.pewenvironment.org/):

- Ranking of world’s biggest #shark catchers. Some on the list may surprise you. http://ow.ly/nuZwK  (via @physorg_com) @TRAFFIC_WLTrade

- New study: Long Island’s bay winter flounder are as inbred, an indication of a small pop. size. http://ow.ly/nhta7

- .@SportFishingMag: @TheIGFA, Pew & Amer. Bluefin #Tuna Assn. work to stop waste of bluefin. Time for @NOAA to listen. http://ow.ly/ncPsx

- Former Defense Sec. Panetta – “Healthy oceans benefit all Americans.” http://ow.ly/n5lPX  (via @CNN)

- Support the @MidAtlanticFish plan for proactive management of our #fisheries and oceans. http://ow.ly/n44FB  #Action

- European Parliament #Fisheries Committee votes to subsidize #overfishing. http://ow.ly/n65P8  Step backwards for #CFPReform.

- New England’s iconic codfish threatened by @NOAA proposed rule to open closed areas to bottom-trawl fishing. http://ow.ly/mVGeV

- Pacific leaders call for oceanwide #shark protections; oppose @NOAA proposal to weaken conservation laws. http://ow.ly/mUvPX

- .@SmithsonianMag: Perception of #sharks has changed since Jaws, and even attack survivors team up to protect them. http://ow.ly/mUvIk

- Why we need to stop #illegal fishing, and how we can. Cool animation! http://ow.ly/mTXJG

- Broad coalition supports recovery of the Atlantic bluefin #tuna. http://ow.ly/mNRqH  (via @davebard)


BBC News:

- Fishermen land 50 tonnes of litter http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-23191155

- Poole to host European maritime Day in 2017 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-23182380

- Fishing quota reallocation http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23251821

- Jellyfish blooms http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23243759

- Niet to Antarctic Marine Reserves http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23327315

- Plankton study http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23379646

- Dolphins call each other by name http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23410137

- Cold spring hits seabirds http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-23404883

- Marsh Harriers breed in Poole Harbour http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-23437132

- Marine pollution http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/23432917

- Wolves, Bears and Elk (showing how species affect each other on land. The same kind of interactions happen between species in the sea) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23495074

- More jellyfish blooms http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23492338


The Daily Echo:

- Where’d the seahorses go? http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/10530805.What_s_happened_to_Studland_seahorses_/

- Beach clean weekend Sept 23 http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/10563308.Volunteers_wanted_for_Beachwatch_Big_Weekend/

- Final consultation on Navitus Bay http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/10565207.Final_consultation_on_Navitus_Bay_windfarm_plans/


The Guardian:

- Marine Pollution http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/jul/17/sea-invisible-trash-heap-aquatopia

- Water quality http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/jul/13/england-dirty-beaches-to-fail-new-eu-rules?CMP=twt_gu


Charlie. I know you spend a lot of time on this , and its a bit cheeky, but do you have a problem if I copy it for AA ?

I wouldn't pass it off as my effort compiling it. Just seems a shame not too

Let me know


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