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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all


Went beach fishing on Sturday night from 4pm to midnight


Despite the wind the night before it was not too bad and managed to get out of the worst of the wind, which eased most of the evening, under the steep shingle banks.


Caught loads of Dabs and Whiting.


I did not see anyone with a cod but others had pout and rockling.


Nice to be out fishing again albeit on a beach. biggrin.gif





Dave, which part of the beach were you fishing?? Dad used to take me down there night fishing when I was about 7, and Dabs were the catch of the day back then. I also seem to recall loads and loads of pout.


Are we going to oraganise a little soiree from the beach closer to home?? I'd like to see if can mange a few from the shore sometime.


Regards, Rich


Hi Rich


Yes I got Dabs, Dabs, whiting, dabs, whitting, whitting I think you get the idea biggrin.gif


At least we were catching fish.


We were just round the corner from the lighthouse, due mainly to the wind and getting out of it.


I have never blanked there yet so it can't be bad. If I can catch a fish so can anyone! laugh.giflaugh.gif


I am up for beach session as long as you don't need to cast more than 100yds blink.gif





I am with you Rich, If I want to fish that far out I usually take the boat.


But I believe that Dungeness is a casters venue, the further the better as far as fish sizes go.

Thats why i left it to the big distance guys like Gary when the Navy used to fish there.


There are plenty of places around here where you do not need that sort of distance to get fish.




After a good blow, and with an onshore, the bass down our way, Lepe, in particular, drop right in on the breakers, so a mere flick out past the roller will hook uo. Also the flatties tend to sit in the dip just beyound the first shingle dip there. I guess other venues are similar, but it's just having the confidence to try a short flick when others are launching baits towards the horizons!!!


Billy, I would love a small meet somewhere to fish a friendly day on the shore, I think Bob F and Adam are up for a little shore sesh too, but Jan and feb are notoriously bad down this neck of the woods!!


Ps. Did you get the mags I sent you BB?? Rigs are in the back section matey.




the problem with me fishing off the beach it is hard for me to get to the places because it is to far for me to ride my bike the only place i cn get is the quay or holes bay



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