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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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It’s taking me longer each month to do these reports. Whereas it used to be that each organisation would make 20 posts on Twitter in a month, now they make closer to a hundred, so it takes me longer to go through them. Bear with me if the report is a little late sometimes!

You may see some of the same statistics on each report.  I’m happy to keep posting them and it means that before too long we’ll all be experts and we will all be able to spread the word.

MCZ’s- looks as though 37 new sites could be designated next year


Disclaimer: Apologies if I’ve doubled up on any stories/articles. No prizes for spotting if I have!


“Many of the stories and information that I pass on comes from various ‘channels’ on the internet.  I use Twitter, Facebook, several news sites and have signed up for a few email distribution lists.

To see who I am following on Twitter, look me up at @charlieannear”


Some of this year’s hot topics (in no particular order):

  • Species interdependency
  • Ecosystem imbalance
  • Marine Biodiversity
  • MCZ’s
  • Sharks and Rays (vs Australia)
  • Overfishing
  • Illegal Fishing
  • Ocean warming, acidification and pollution (including plastics and microplastics)

(RT) = Re-Tweet. This means the information was originally posted by someone else.


Blue Marine Foundation

- 1/4 of the world’s sharks+rays are threatened with extinction.@KENZO aim to help @Bluemarinef #nofishnonothing https://www.kenzo.com/en/

-Want 2eat sustainable fish,but not sure where 2start?@kenzo r sharing gr8 tips frm @fish2fork @mcsuk http://tinyurl.com/q5yy9v3  #nofishnonothing

- Unable to get to the #oceansummit this year? Follow @CRHClover BLUE's Chairman as he shares information from the day.

- (RT) Making high seas an MPA would benefit world economy by $24 billion, Martin Stuchley, McKinsey.#oceansummit

- (RT) There is no quick fix to degraded ecosystem; we didn't get here overnight and we cannot undo it overnight #oceansummit

- (RT) Indonesia has approaching 20 million hectares of marine protected areas - Sharif Sutardjo, marine minister. #oceansummit @Economist_WOS

- (RT) Why not make the high seas an MPA? Jose Maria Figueres, former pres. Costa Rica. #oceansummit @Economist_WOS

- (RT) An area of seabed the size of Mexico is under exploration for mining - Michael Lodge, Int Seabed Authority. #oceansummit @Economist_WOS

- Something to think about!RT @CRHClover World plastics industry would save $100 billion a year by preventing it going in the sea #oceansummit

- (RT) $10 million scallops wiped out due to rising acidity @grumpycuttle @Bluemarinef @DevonSevernIFCA @msiggs @Got_Sole http://m.huffpost.com/ca/entry/4859868?ir=Green 

- The Paris @kenzo stores go #BLUE in support of @bluemarinef and the #nofishnonothing capsule collection. Join the cause and #spreadtheword

- Another great article from BLUE Marine Foundation's Charles Clover on the The Huffington Post. Make sure you read... http://fb.me/2aj1ObThE

- (RT) Pressure is mounting on Britain to conserve biodiversity in all its overseas territories. http://tinyurl.com/nw2o7c8

- Make sure you follow @CRHClover the @Bluemarinef Chairman as he pulls out interesting points from the @Economist_WOS #oceansummit

- Evidence that the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve is yielding spectacular results! The Lyme Bay... http://fb.me/3ctNRXTDj

- Everyone's helping to save the fish! laurabrown99's photo http://instagram.com/p/kahETDDebs/

- Voluntary ban on destructive trawling below 800m agreed by French fleet http://fb.me/15eNnJGFN

- Rangers start patrolling the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve! Turneffe Atoll is home to an array of endangered... http://fb.me/1PYRKuySK


SIFCA (Southern Inshore Conservation Authority) (www.southern-ifca.gov.uk):
@bassangleruk further details of the Southern event. We look forward to seeing you there pic.twitter.com/vzG01e63CG

- @onthewight we will be using sidescan sonar to map seabed habitats within potential marine conservation zones #MCZs #MPAs

- On our way out of #Ventnor after vessel modifications by @CheetahMarine #SouthWight @ventnorfishery #fishyfriday pic.twitter.com/JLPPbcoF8y

- In a CHOPI meeting http://www.sussex-ifca.gov.uk/repository/CHOPIposter.pdf  #oyster #restoration @chichesterharbo pic.twitter.com/9VYnx7k1es

- Whelk landings in #LymeRegis....the minimum size for whelks is 45mm @LymeBayReserve @TheFishmongers #eatmorefish pic.twitter.com/9aeoZyETWW

- We're working with @bournemouthuni to offer an exciting PhD that may direct how our #inshore #fisheries are managed http://research.bournemouth.ac.uk/pgr/funded-phd-studentships-in-the-faculty-of-science-and-technology/ 

- Lyme Regis #inshore Fisherman getting out in #LymeBay today! #Whelks #BrownCrabb #eatmorefish @LymeBayReserve pic.twitter.com/3w61F7SRFb

- Fantastic morning in Poole Harbour conducting our seasonal bait survey. #worms #fisheries #research pic.twitter.com/Q9uclkzMJt

- Officers on duty @bridportharbour today on #FPVProtector catching up with local fisherman about #MPA management! pic.twitter.com/7wijtTRi39

- The sun is shining in #PooleHarbour today as we carry out a seasonal 'bait' survey @PooleHarbourC @AntonyJensen6 #mud pic.twitter.com/JWYaP2Ok71

- During March we will be surveying 2 recommended North #Wight #MCZs using sidescan sonar @CefasGovUK @eastern_ifca @HantsIWWildlife @NOCnews

- We met with oyster growers yesterday to discuss future for #poole #aquaculture @DefraFisheries video of production: http://ow.ly/9yjDP

- We're at a workshop to standardise & improve national underwater survey camera use @CefasGovUK @DefraFisheries #IFCAs pic.twitter.com/D7VbzakLw2

- We use satellite monitoring systems to identify the location of larger vessels to monitor #mpa #compliance http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/cfp/control/technologies/vms/index_en.htm 

- These compliance tools support a viable fishing industry which is working within environmental limits

- We use satellite monitoring systems to identify the location of larger vessels to monitor #mpa #compliance http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/cfp/control/technologies/vms/index_en.htm 

- We work extensively in #partnership with others to protect #MPA s assets inc. UKBA HMC #lymebay #southwight pic.twitter.com/AAObh4pw5P

- At the Chesil & Fleet Reserve AGM to hear about #MPAs, #litter, #stormdamage & #coastalaccess @NESouthWest @DWTMarine pic.twitter.com/TTSZqOd3Qs

- RT Reports from #inshore #fisherman regarding static gear being moved long distances and some cases lost in the #ukstorm2014

- We joined a #mudeford fisherman to hunt for lost #fishing gear after #ukstorm & for 1st hand experience @MudefordRNLI pic.twitter.com/F7VBwGGUWL

- Thanks to everyone who came to our #PooleFisheryOrder drop in day, some great discussion and feedback to consider now pic.twitter.com/SY7OjKDxNM

- Excellent turn out at our #Poole Order Renewal meeting #comanagement over 100 including @The_MMO pic.twitter.com/OQOR7e5fNX

- TODAY - drop in day, 2-8pm at the @ThistlePoole to discuss the future of the Poole Harbour shellfish fisheries. Please come join us.

- Very positive meeting between @SouthernIFCA, Cornwall IFCA & us at @PadstowLobster. Discussions on MPA protection & harmonising byelaws

- We've been at the #Kent&EssexIFCA sustainability and byelaw review workshop today in Dover #harmonisation @LeonRosk @The_MMO @DefraFisheries

- #FPVTenacity alongside @CheetahMarine for maintenance #FPVSouthernTrident will be on #fisheriespatrol in her absence! pic.twitter.com/UerScbD6IC

- Team Picture taken @RNLI during capsize training this morning! #trainonesavemany #safetyatsea #fisheriespatrol pic.twitter.com/BeAnz5Kd5T

- Capsize Training @RNLI in Poole this morning! Big Thankyou to the training team #safetyatsea #trainonesavemany pic.twitter.com/B9CCqdUc0t

- (RT) Landmark Vision for Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Management Unveiled by Policy and Industry Experts - http://asafishing.org/newsroom/news-releases/landmark-vision-for-saltwater-recreational-fisheries-management-unveiled/ 

- Interesting papers in Marine Policy on #LymeBay #MPAs http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0308597X/45  worth a read! @LymeBayReserve @PlymUni @NESouthWest @DWTMarine

- (RT) Establishing attitudes and perceptions of recreational boat users based in the River Hamble Estuary, towards MCZs http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308597X13002510 

- Out in #PooleHarbour this morning on FPV Endeavour assisting @BoroughofPoole with shellfish classification sampling! pic.twitter.com/cKpIXwkixC

- Inspirational lecture by @ana_adi role of social media for coastal and marine management http://www.anaadi.net/2013/11/18/social-media-for-coastal-and-marine-management/  @bournemouthuni @bobearll

- Great example of #fisheries science #partnership @cefas providing new insight into elasmobranch movements and biology http://www.cefas.defra.gov.uk/media/615650/fsp35thornbackrayinivc2013final.pdf 

- #questionoftheday What are the top species (by value) landed in #Poole (2012)? #clue: one is a #vertebrate, two are not

- @SouthernIFCA @drpickerell @seag1rl The answer: 1. Sole, 2. Whelks and 3. Lobsters

- Officers where out on patrol in #pooleharbour this morning this is what they found! Clam returned to the fishery. pic.twitter.com/3SUPEm7OSq

- Size does matter - Say "No" to undersized fish. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w-JQHW-p8U&sns=tw  @GtDorsetSeafood @SlowFoodDorset

- @abbilscott @HantsIWWildlife thanks for your support and raising awareness of our new #MPA byelaws for #seagrass and #reef protection


Dorset Wildlife Trust (http://www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk/):

- Marine wildlife sightings in February http://bit.ly/1mK1Tid

- Have you heard about the seal pup, Kyarra, who was washed up on a Bournemouth beach? Here's her story http://ow.ly/u5Fsl

- We'll be sending out our #WellyZone marine enewsletter today - not subscribed? sign up here (top left) http://ow.ly/u5FyY

- #TakeALook The Bournemouth Natural Science Society & Museum are holding a great programme of events in March http://ow.ly/u3dQ5

- Marine life returns to Lyme Bay after closure to destructive fishing http://ow.ly/u0xYJ

- #MarineProtectedAreas work! #Marine life blooming after 3 yrs protection from trawls & dredges http://ow.ly/u1AsS

- Great photo from @jessmeadmarine of one of the sea cucumbers washed up at Kimmeridge http://bit.ly/1fbFJRQ  Recuperating in our aquarium

- Can you guess this weeks #Fishyfun? Striking appearance & a species that most are wary of ~Em http://ow.ly/tJnMk

- RT @jessmeadmarine: snake pipefish was washed up in the car park outside Kimmeridge Marine Centre http://bit.ly/1gIUjNA

- Devastating storm washes up over a hundred birds on Chesil Beach http://bit.ly/1ocizwT

- RT @JuliaBradbury: Been filming with Sam from Dorset Wildlife Trust today..very wet n'cold http://bit.ly/1b616TX

- Rarely seen baby lobster, just 4cm long, found at our Purbeck Marine Wildlife Reserve http://bit.ly/N6GK2b  #marine #dorset


DEFRA Nature (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs):

- Last chance! Apply by Sunday for exciting new Fisheries Management Advisor roles with the @AnglingTrust http://ow.ly/tJQIA  #job

- #Job: new Fisheries Management Advisors to help deliver new cormorant management approach for England’s fisheries http://ow.ly/tiyGW


DEFRA Fisheries:

- Important workshop in Brussels today to discuss a new North Sea mixed fisheries management plan. A replacement for the Cod Recovery Plan?

- Good meeting between Fisheries Minister George Eustice and @NFFO_UK and @TheJerryPercy to discuss impact of severe weather on fishing fleet

- First meeting in Brussels today to prepare for negotiations on the renewal of the EU-Mauritania Fisheries Partnership Agreement

- English days at sea group (EDAG) meeting in York today. To review cod effort uptake in 13/14 and plan how to manage effort this year

- Talks on an EU-Norway 2014 fisheries agreement start (at last) in Bergen today. Will set North Sea TACs and agree quota swaps with Norway

- EU-Norway fisheries agreement talks just been adjourned. To be continued at a later date

- (RT) Meeting @DefraFisheries and @CefasGovUK to explain how decades of @seafishuk gear selectivity work will be made available online #discards

- (RT) Haddock meeting in Newlyn today. Good example of how to deal with tricky issues. Fishers, scientists and policy people working it out.

- More mackerel talks starting today in London. Parties not far apart now so hoping we can get a deal to end the dispute.......

- This week's mackerel talks end without agreement again. No agreement on herring or blue whiting either. EU-Norway starts in Bergen on Tues

- Winter edition of Defra and MMO's Fishing Focus now published https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/277499/fishing-focus-32-winter2013.pdf 



- No marine updates

CITES (http://cites.org/):

- No marine updates


CEFAS: The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science - the UK's most diverse applied marine science centre and source of expert evidence and advice. (cefas.defra.gov.uk )

- (RT) #Portland #countryfile good to see Cefas Endevour @tom_m_brereton took photo from the ship whilst on recent survey pic.twitter.com/tajCtkHZoI

- Did you see this weeks #CefasPOTW on banning discards? Find out more http://ow.ly/tuVfm

- We’re at a planning hearing for the Hornsea offshore windfarm (Proj 1), giving tech support to @The_MMO on impacts. http://ow.ly/tARB3

- Acidifying Oceans Alarm Hundreds of Scientists #climatechange @IGBPcomms http://ow.ly/rXhG4

- If marine snow doesn’t supply enough food to support all life living in deep-sea sediments what does? @MBARI_news http://ow.ly/rXhZW

- Waves predicted to peak over 12m off SW coast http://cefasmapping.defra.gov.uk/Map  please keep safe #floodaware @EnvAgencySW @DefraGovUK @CornishGuardian

- New insights into microbes surprising nutritional requirements, “eating” methane off the ocean floor @georgiatech http://ow.ly/rXhXc

- If you are interested in the NERC-Defra Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry programme, including "Blue Carbon", see our new Twitter follow @NercSSB

- Toxic concentrations of pollutants and additives enter the tissue of animals that have eaten #microplastics #marinelitter @nceas...


The Shark Trust (sharktrust.org):

- Toxic concentrations of pollutants and additives enter the tissue of animals that have eaten #microplastics #marinelitter @nceas...

- (RT) Dear Australian Government: pic.twitter.com/tjrPilPlCY

- (RT) Angler gives up world record to release massive shark alive : http://www.southernfriedscience.com/?p=16763  Please RT! pic.twitter.com/13T0rXJ53A

- Positive news for Mantas with the designation of Indonesian 'sanctuary'. However, based on fisheries information... http://fb.me/1nD8uGWlS

- Not read @IUCNShark report yet? Sobering: 25% of species threatened; rays, sawfish, threshers and angels most at risk http://bit.ly/1aps9ck

- ID parade; Nursehound, Blonde, Blue, White, Flapper, Small-eyed, Undulate, Thornback, Cuckoo, Spotted, Starry, SS Cat pic.twitter.com/jIxPKPVsWm

- @SharkTrustUK Hammerheads prone to increased mortailty due to stress of catch and release http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/news-events/press-releases/2014/new-study-examines-the-effects-of-catch-and-release-fishing-on-sharks/ 

- >13ft, 1000lb Great Hammerhead #Shark reeled in on Florida beach http://dailym.ai/1jAgs2s  Suspected 80% decline in past 25yrs @AmazingSpecies

- According to Intl. Shark Attack File, Australia actually saw a drop in #shark incidents in 2013 - http://bit.ly/1c0iCno

- Great article from Michael Bright in BBC Wildlife Mag on '40 Things You Didn't Know About Sharks'. Brilliant to... http://fb.me/2hpAvRwXE

- Jackie Chan, the martial arts star, describes the importance of challenging the beliefs in traditional remedies... http://fb.me/11tGZlQQi

- VERY fresh Blonde Ray #eggcase recorded to the Great Eggcase Hunt project this morning! http://www.eggcase.org  pic.twitter.com/7s9JzjOGgo

- Incredible photos of Whale Sharks taken by Marine Biologist Simon Pierce off Cancun, Mexico -... http://fb.me/6HRz5wUUt


(Part 2)

Lyme Bay. Working to reconcile the needs of the environment and local fishing industry by establishing a new blueprint for sustainable conservation. (http://www.lymebayreserve.co.uk/):

- #FishyFact of the Day! Head to our Facebook page and discover more about what's crawling across the #LymeBay seabed! pic.twitter.com/0iLtjy9NIk

- Yellow Sunset #Coral found in #LymeBay in @VisitDevon. One reason why #conservation is so important pic.twitter.com/JcrDd6lNKO #dorsethour

- The #LymeBay #reefs are 3 miles wide and 15 miles long & home to over 300 different marine species http://bit.ly/19bnHey  #dorsethour

- Happy #FishyFriday - One of the many wonders of the #LymeBay #reefs in @VisitDorset @VisitDevon taken by @ColinDMunro pic.twitter.com/9eUoGOt3MH

- Minutes from last Working Group Meeting are available: http://bit.ly/1bpaRMM . Working towards a #sustainable future in #LymeBay's #MPA.

- @MayaPlass We also found this in Beer in #Devon - the centre looks like a leather button! What is it? #CoastHour pic.twitter.com/dVqP5wZga7

- @MayaPlass We found this in Beer, #Devon. We think it is tubeworms attached to a disused scallop shell! #coasthour pic.twitter.com/eY7DCcbZLL

- A quick photo to share with you all before we go! Why so grumpy Mr Goby? It's #DevonHour time! pic.twitter.com/N0k2moH7Xt

- Our blueprint towards #sustainablefishing in #LymeBay will ensure there will still be fish to catch for future generations. #devonhour

- The @LymeBayReserve has set out to achieve three 'WINS' - for the #Environment, for #Fisheries & #CoastalCommunities http://bit.ly/18vzGD0

- The beautiful #Scallop - when sustainably fished there is no finer seafood. Article by @guardian http://bit.ly/M9HnGx  #EatMoreFish

- Did you miss the VIDEO footage of a rather determined #crab filmed by @MIPlymUni? Check it out here: http://on.fb.me/1bruUGO

- From #RedMullet and #Brill to #Lobsters & #Scallops the #LymeBay #reefs are swimming with #marinelife. Take a look! http://on.fb.me/1bruUGO


Fish2Fork (http://www.fish2fork.com/home/news-index.aspx):

- .@hughsfishfight are urging the public to tweet supermarkets to demand sustainable seafood #fishfight http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/Fish-Fight-urges-public-to-tweet-supermarkets-for-sustainable-seafood.aspx 

- Hopes rise for the end of the 'mackerel wars' after 6 years of disputes http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/Hopes-rise-for-end-of-mackerel-wars-fishing-dispute.aspx 

- More seafood was caught or farmed in 2013 than ever before, according to figures from @FAOnews @FAOfish http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/Rising-importance-of-seafood-in-diets-boosts-global-income.aspx 

- Big rise in sustainably farmed seafood forecast by @GAA_Aquaculture certification scheme http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/Big-rise-in-sustainable-seafood-forecast-by-certification-programme.aspx 

- .@raymond_blanc has joined a campaign to promote the @MSCecolabel in animated form, in 3 short films http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/MSC-a-nightmare-Not-any-more-says-animated-Blanc-in-film-series.aspx 

- Scientists at the #AAAS call for deep seas to be protected from over-exploitation @DeepSeaConserve @Bloom_FR #ocean http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/Scientists-demand-stewardship-of-deep-sea-before-industry-wrecks-it.aspx#.UwJY7zEP2eQ.twitter 

- .@SeafoodWatch in the US has released a short animated video on buying sustainable seafood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H86Z3qmvXk4#t=0 

- Pollution fears rise as hermaphrodite little tunny are found in the Mediterranean #ocean http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/Pollution-fears-rise-as-sexually-mixed-up-fish-are-found.aspx#.UvOVsax2HH4.twitter 


The Black Fish (http://www.theblackfish.org):

- Hopefully 37 extra marine conservation areas will be assigned to the UK in 2015 http://bit.ly/MotDIi  http://twitter.com/Loesdidi/status/438761715866406912/photo/1pic.twitter.com/G7flR8CNNJ  #overfishing

- Shocking infographic (which is sadly too big to even publish here) shows over 11 000 #sharks are killed per hour... http://huff.to/1jUgjaK

- Inspiring blog by Wallace J Nichols; we need to be dedicated and willing to save the #oceans, it is not too late! http://huff.to/1gvNZsn

- Update: killing #sharks in Australia doesn't work and will hit breeding stocks #NoWAsharkcull http://bit.ly/1hnSu99  http://twitter.com/Loesdidi/status/438758251606179840/photo/1pic.twitter.com/ypJJjne0uv

- European seas are changing due to climate change and #overfishing http://bit.ly/1oWNldu  http://twitter.com/Loesdidi/status/438789258501820416/photo/1pic.twitter.com/AGrseuLhZG

- A job well done; divers rescue manta from fishing gear wrapped around its wings http://on.fb.me/1ccUvSt

- @Seasaver: Tackling #overfishing on many fronts http://bit.ly/1mIjas0  via @NatGeo #oceansummit

- Federal court rejected lifting the ban on supertrawler Abel Tasman, which still has nine months to run! http://bit.ly/1c6X08P  #overfishing

- Small scale example of marine life recovery after closing the area for commercial fishing http://bit.ly/1bxaijX  #overfishing

- Developers @BlueEdenGame create awareness on #overfishing by teaching about feeding and breeding behaviour of fish http://bit.ly/1hkEi0C

- Great @Greenpeace infographic on the monster boats in our #oceans pic.twitter.com/QSNltj1bVt #overfishing

- Ever heard of the Tragedy of the Commons? Good read about governing our #oceans and how we’re all responsible http://econ.st/1jMHgMZ

- Majestic, iconic, a wonderful, perfectly designed machine. That's the #bluefin #tuna. Great read @NatGeo #overfishing http://bit.ly/1go3eDK

- An estimated 42 000 turtles are caught legally each year, but illegal fishing accounts for an even greater number http://bit.ly/MH5vkY

- NO RED SEAS II: NO DEAD SEAS compilation available now! All donations go directly to The Black Fish http://noredseas.bandcamp.com  Please RT!

- Manta rays have only 1 baby every 2-3 years. They simply cannot be fished sustainably. pic.twitter.com/S8BSoaUSmn via @CGShark

- Get ready for 17 minutes of updated information about #overfishing from the experts in this world http://huff.lv/1nR1CFu

- Meetings starting today: will fish trawlers be allowed or banned in the beautiful #Arctic? We hope for protection http://lat.ms/MPHzMa

- In comparison to the 70’s the abundance of herring is definitely gone http://bit.ly/1fchlhv  #overfishing pic.twitter.com/kKEtlvRtVD

- More than words can say; the global fish crisis in a confronting picture gallery http://bit.ly/1dSpRxb  #overfishing pic.twitter.com/Meho82JCxv

- Ban on shrimp trawling in Costa Rica will take years to implement. Will this be too late? http://bit.ly/1hq7W9o

- In 2006 the year 2048 was already marked as the date the world’s #oceans would be empty of fish http://cbsn.ws/1aZo3rS

- Why you should care about the “Empty Oceans Act” and sign the mentioned petitions http://bzfd.it/1d2G7zZ

- Great news for one of the most impressing and graceful fish: Indonesia announces full protection of its manta rays http://yhoo.it/1jUhXbQ

- How do bottom trawlers actually work? Some appalling facts on the monster fishing vessels in our #oceans http://bit.ly/1oDdGgI  #overfishing

- Amazing pictures of a divers’ best friend: gentle giant The Whale Shark http://bit.ly/1lG07Op  pic.twitter.com/vO2tGcMMU6

- Confronting story about how foreign bottom trawlers changed Senegal’s fishing industry completely http://bit.ly/1c0UGAc  #overfishing

- Good work: divers rescue numerous fish trapped in illegal fishing net #overfishing http://bit.ly/1hiz8GM  pic.twitter.com/ReV0EdpUij

- Why do we need #sharks again? Oh yeah, because they’re one of the most important species in our oceans http://bit.ly/1cwJgUX

- Say NO to oil drilling in the Canary Islands. Sign the petition http://www.savecanarias.org

- Fish species living near the equator are probably more vulnerable to warming #oceans http://bit.ly/MIc9XI  #climatechange

- Pacific Countries announced historic #shark protection last week http://bit.ly/1atCAv9  Middle East follows too! http://bit.ly/1kF6IY2

- Originally published in 1914, this article shows we knew about #overfishing already then http://bit.ly/1aM57fH  http://twitter.com/Loesdidi/status/432927056750333952/photo/1pic.twitter.com/jr9G1L3uRj

- A very sad story...150 years of bottom trawling in Britain turned its precious #ocean ecosystem into wasteland http://bit.ly/1egPhoh

- Funny video: true facts about the angler fish and its love life #Valentine http://bit.ly/1cYMLnX

- We don't want to upset you. But this is reality: shocking pictures of the #shark fin trade http://bit.ly/1iBuCjp

- Turkish fishermen analyze their industry: “destroyed by #overfishing, pollution and illegal fishing” http://reut.rs/1bMolQE

- An update on the WA #sharkcull; some 30 #sharks have been killed on the drum lines http://bit.ly/LRwpFI

- Some follow up information about why simply creating marine protected areas (MPA's) is not going to save our #oceans http://bit.ly/1eAZQXI

- Beautiful picture showing how all species in the #ocean rely on each other http://on.natgeo.com/1ftDpBS  pic.twitter.com/TyDJNGjVYV

- Giant jellyfish on Tasmanian beach “evidence of our changing #oceans”, scientists say #overfishing #climatechange http://bit.ly/1eA3fG8

- What is your opinion on people killing animals because they eat “our” fish? http://bit.ly/1brgl7C  and http://bit.ly/1k6VZFD

- Everything you need to know about dogfish in one infographic http://bit.ly/1eQTMa5  via @SharkAdvocates #dogfishRsharks2

- Disturbing: 59% of marine parks are ‘not ecologically distinguishable from fished sites’, study finds http://bit.ly/N68mV5  #overfishing

- Drift gillnets kill more marine mammals than any other human activities combined. Please sign this http://ow.ly/toHOX  via @Oceana

- Jellyfish might become the substitute for shrimp soon. “That means we’re in trouble”, scientists say http://bit.ly/1fwAucY  #overfishing

- Read the interesting history of how, when and why people started using deep sea bottom trawlers http://bit.ly/1bfavmx  #overfishing

- Fish species in the North Sea decreased in length due to warmer seas, scientists say http://bit.ly/1a1L6S5  Or is #overfishing to blame too?

- Pictures of #seals feeding on harbour porpoises; a sign of #overfishing? http://bit.ly/1n11Edi

- Why top predators like Great Whites are important for our #ocean’s health http://huff.to/1bAlQxd  #noWAsharkcull #sharks

- Disturbing news: journalist killed by fishermen after reporting illegal fishing http://bit.ly/1j5dt4Z  #overfishing

- Thousands of people protested against shark cull in Australia http://ab.co/LzDknf  Check #noWAsharkcull for more information and pictures!


Oceana (http://oceana.org/en/eu/home):

- #Obama admin moves forward w/ support for #seismic airguns in the Atlantic. Why that's the worst call: http://ow.ly/u78ne

- Secret world of #ocean garbage patch microbes revealed: http://ow.ly/u1uzv

- MT @Upwell: This story of 10 million scallops lost to #oceanacidification needs to be told and retold. http://eepurl.com/PblxT

- Glowing sea shrimp: fireflies of the sea! http://ow.ly/tWitG

- Drift Gillnets Caused These 10 Disturbing Ocean Animal Deaths You Can’t Unsee: http://ow.ly/tQ6XV  via Oceana @BuzzFeed

- Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation donates $3M to advocacy group Oceana via @AP: http://ow.ly/tQ4Vs

- In-depth look: How #ocean acidification threatens oceans from the bottom up, starting with plankton: http://ow.ly/tKg6T

- .@latimes delves into new discovery: Toxins released by #oil spills send #fish hearts into cardiac arrest. http://ow.ly/tDuEM

- Is #ocean acidification blurring fish vision? http://ow.ly/ty1Uo

- Infographic: Find out what an overfished world means for the human population. http://ow.ly/teJLd


CFP Reform Watch (http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/):

- How to implement the #CFPreform discard ban? Discussion in fisheries committee 11 February: http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/2014/02/fisheries-committee-meeting-11-2-2014/ 


FishSec. The Fisheries Secretariat (FISH). (fishsec.org ):

-  No marine updates


Marine Management Organisation (MMO) (http://www.marinemanagement.org.uk/news/index.htm):

- 10-metres-and-under fishermen can book a 1-hour slot to discuss quota in Eastbourne, Portsmouth and Poole in March http://bit.ly/1euxcbn

- March fisheries catch limits publication includes update on trials of quarterly catch limits http://bit.ly/OIXQDS

- New Norwegian regulation prohibiting fishing and landing basking sharks, spiny dogfish, porbeagles and silky sharks http://bit.ly/ULq2XZ

- Updated the marine protected areas strategic management table showing current risks and MMO activity for all sites http://bit.ly/Tmknkz


Hugh’s Fishfight (http://www.fishfight.net/):

- No updates


NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) (http://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/):

- How will we manage #fish populations as the #climte changes? NEW podcast with a NOAA scientist—http://1.usa.gov/1fqR4rf  pic.twitter.com/umUzR3f8IK


GOC (Global Ocean Commission) (http://www.globaloceancommission.org/):

- Can World Leaders Tame the Wild West of the #HighSeas? #oceansummit @socialpyramid http://bit.ly/1gEqOfK

- 'Degradation of the #ocean today requires ambitious proposals @figuerescr @DMiliband discussed reform at #oceansummit http://bit.ly/1dDmXgC

- It's OK to use oceans but it's not OK to use them up @Economist_WOS #oceansummit #workinggroups

- Should #highseas be declared a #MPA? @figuerescr @DMiliband discussed radical #ocean reform at #oceansummit http://bit.ly/1mCzMxU

- Closing the Arctic #Ocean #highseas to commercial fishing? http://goo.gl/sHxwD4  via @globeandmail

- Political will, business innovation and citizen mobilisation are recipe for ocean restoration @Economist_WOS #oceansummit

- Fishing subsidies are an equity issue @Economist_WOS #oceansummit

- End subsidies, fix traceability, cut agric pollution, establish MPAs, clean energy = solutions to ocean decline @Economist_WOS #oceansummit

- IUU, pollution, acidification are three main threats to ocean says Sec Kerry @Economist_WOS #oceansummit

- ‘The creation of a #MPA is only the start of an effective conservation effort, not the end’ http://nyti.ms/1gbgQlQ  via @nytimes

- Microplastics polluting Australian waters- 'from larger items breakdown, including plastic cups & fishing equipment' http://bit.ly/MRnuF3

- Successful #MPA: no take, enforced, old >10 yrs, large >100 km2, isolated by deep water/sand http://goo.gl/HcF6GN  @NatureMagazine research

- ‘Emphasis needed on #MPA design, durable management and compliance’ http://goo.gl/HcF6GN  @NatureMagazine

- 5 key features for #MPA success http://goo.gl/HcF6GN  via @NatureMagazine #ocean


Pew Charitable Trusts (http://www.pewenvironment.org/):

- Let's thank #Chile for new Tic-Toc marine sanctuary—home for blue whales http://ow.ly/u6pFM  #oceansummit Pls RT pic.twitter.com/5nseyJA8Dj

- MT @robinson_erik: I want to go back to the #oceansummit in 2 yrs to say we've eliminated #overfishing -Grader at #MagnusonStevens

- MT @robinson_erik: "We can't afford turn back the clock on recovery" on depleted #seafood pops -Rees on #MagnusonStevens. RT if you agree

- Illegal fishing jeopardizing $115B in seafood sales in US, @JohnKerry tells #oceansummit http://ow.ly/u4WO2  #IUU

- Last night Colombia demonstrated commitment to #sharks conservation at #oceansummit http://ow.ly/u2HS2  pic.twitter.com/EnDdldPPvR

- Ask Pacific Fishery Mgmt Council to make short-term sperm whale protections permanent http://ow.ly/u2imQ  pic.twitter.com/AALYuaB5in

- #Sharks are more valuable in the ocean than in the soup pot: http://ow.ly/u2Ev1  #oceansummit VIDEO: http://youtu.be/l0iZvCjWEhM

- MT @ThePacificOcean: Marine protected areas help reconcile sustainable fishing w/ecological imperatives. -Prince Albert #oceansummit

- .@JohnKerry at #oceansummit: We need a global understanding of how to enforce regulations to preserve our #fisheries.

- .@DMiliband calls for high-seas police force to fight illegal fishing, protect environment http://ow.ly/tZ8yp  #oceansummit

- MT @MontereyAq: Julie Packard: Health of ocean "will determine future prosperity of humans & our very survival." #oceansummit

- New Zealand ratifies critical pact to stop illegal fishing w/stronger port controls. RT the good news http://ow.ly/tWabh  #IUU

- RT @JustSeaTurtles: MT @Oceanwire Scary fact from @pewenvironment about illegal fishing in our oceans pic.twitter.com/CHpzc5il8U

- We commend @HiltonWorldwide for banning #shark-fin sales at Asia Pacific hotels http://ow.ly/tTnx5  pic.twitter.com/ChMpCrtOAD

- 2/3 of fish stocks in high seas overexploited http://ow.ly/3hvwHu  Time for a mgmt change @Economist_WOS #oceansummit

- Kudos to our Africa-based partner Stop Illegal Fishing! http://ow.ly/tS5xT  Just got award for work to end criminal fishing @S_I_F #IUU

- MT @EvergladesTabby: @AudubonFL & @pewenvironment report why little fish are big deal for coastal birds http://bit.ly/1h5zM7l

- This shark is as vulnerable as cheetahs & polar bears. Let's protect it now: http://ow.ly/tEtzy  pic.twitter.com/s7f97AvXiH

- Good news: Some #sharks migrate, so it's impt that 9 Arab countries just took steps to protect these species http://ow.ly/tNE97

- 1 ton of shark fins seized in San Francisco. http://ow.ly/tNzwm  Seafood vendor broke CA law, could face prison. #sharks

- Effective marine reserves have 14X the biomass of #sharks, vs regular fished areas--#fact http://ow.ly/tG5Ws  pic.twitter.com/1jhxZjhuCk

- "To save fish and birds" takes *effective* marine reserves--@NYTimes: http://ow.ly/tG5Ox  Couldn't agree more

- NZ kicks out Korean fleet for alleged lying about toothfish catch. Illegal fishing rise in Southern Ocean http://ow.ly/tvYJQ  #IUU

- Show…we are serious about preserving our ocean environment"—support Bermuda Blue Halo reserve. More: http://ow.ly/tu9Un

- A single reef shark in Palau is worth $1.9 million over its lifetime. We can explain: http://ow.ly/t5tJg

- "100% marine sanctuary" to help Palau to save "pristine environment," boost ecotourism http://ow.ly/tkb44  @EdithLedererAP

- 5 myths about recreational fishing: http://ow.ly/t5uMA

- RT @davebard: Forage Fish FAQ http://bit.ly/1doTaaz  #MagnusonStevens

- 91% of recreational fishers support #marine sanctuaries http://ow.ly/t7MSQ  per survey by dive industry in #Australia


Angling Trust (http://www.anglingtrust.net/):

- Sea Update - Latest Sea Angling News from the Angling Trust http://emarketing.blue-leaf.co.uk/t/r-0DD1694E5A6CDF6B2540EF23F30FEDED 

- Pls RT - Latest fishing News from the Angling Trust and Fish Legal http://emarketing.blue-leaf.co.uk/t/r-4C41A7820F82FFFC2540EF23F30FEDED 

- Sea anglers - make sure you enter our specimen award scheme this year! http://www.anglingtrust.net/page.asp?section=639&sectionTitle=Specimen+Sea+Fish+Award+Scheme+2012+-+2013 

- Southern IFCA introduces new bylaw restricting bait collection in some seagrass areas http://www.southern-ifca.gov.uk


FCF (Fisheries Conservation Foundation) (http://www.fishconserve.org/):

- High acid levels in the waters around Parksville Qualicum Beach have killed 10 million scallops. http://bit.ly/MzPLj2

- You read about it... but watching 27 years of 'old' Arctic ice melt away in this video, it leaves you a bit stunned. http://bit.ly/1mJyVeO

- International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) Aug. 14-18, 2014. Glasgow, Scotland. Now accepting abstracts. http://bit.ly/1bIQjiy

- What you should know about coal-ash - it is not pretty for you or the fish... @FisheriesBlog http://bit.ly/NsHvCa

- Big ones in Australia gone? "There have been some massive changes out of sight in the marine environment.'' http://bit.ly/Npt8hV

- New study has found that 42 countries or territories permit the harvest of marine turtles. @ScienceDaily http://bit.ly/1e6xdSG

- Watch @HuffPostLive video about the prediction of salt-water fish extinction http://bit.ly/1jYskPb  RT @SeaviewSurvey @DianeN56

- Worrisome reading... Marine Science Review: Contaminants & Pollution: Ocean Acidification. http://bit.ly/1gkM8Xm  @SeaWeb_org

- A Changing Climate in Fisheries Management. @NOAAFisheries http://1.usa.gov/Mdq7jR

- Third International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on World’s Oceans March 2015 Brazil. @ClimateUNESCO http://bit.ly/1nGDHZd

- (RT) Help us spread some #goodsharkkarma. Watch and share https://vimeo.com/86294186  pic.twitter.com/r7Sl8toDlb

- "Economic value of conserving deep-sea corals in Irish waters: A choice experiment study on marine protected areas" http://bit.ly/1dvSOPp

- FAO to help Ghana fight unregulated fishing. http://bit.ly/1fPJCIM  #Overfishing


MRC (Marine Reserves Coalition) (http://www.marinereservescoalition.org/):

- To follow!


MCS (Marine Conservation Society) (http://www.mcsuk.org/):

- To follow!


Maria Damanaki (EU Commissioner responsible for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries):

- To follow!


B.A.S.S (http://www.ukbass.com/news/):

- To follow!


Wessex Angling Trust:


The Sussex, Isle Wight and Hampshire branches of the Angling Trust are working together to raise concern and get action taken to conserve black bream stocks for which we have noted a massive decline in catches. We would welcome your help and assistance in this. We also wish to know if Dorset anglers are experiencing the same problem?

The Isle of Wight is represented by Alan Deeming and Sussex is represented By Reg Phillips and Tim McPherson


Dick Stubbs.

- Received a response from AT re the ‘AT National Fishing League Points’, however, this has been followed by a further email to AT from the Chair. Will update as information becomes available.


BBC News:

- Navitus Bay wind farm to move further from shoreline http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-26064814

- Bournemouth coastal activity park designs unveiled http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-26052812

- Scientists count whales from space http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-26075274

- Deep-sea mining 'must responsibly respect ecosystems' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-25638838

- Chicago goes to war with Asian carp http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-26017956

- Tuna hearts 'affected by oil spill' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-26184116

- Chile's stunning fossil whale graveyard explained http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-26343894


The Daily Echo:




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