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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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This one is dry powder,


I have 2 on the boat, one is this one and the other a co2.


From what I've been told by Southern Fire who services my fire extingusihers in my shop, dry powder is probably the best/most effective one across all risks. But, a very big but is that just imagine someone throws a 1 kg bag of floor into your living room and that is pretty much what it will look like, not to mention 2 days + to clean up in my kitchen (food premise, so satisfy the food and safety).


Dry Powder is the one to have on the boat it will put out all fires.


They make a mess but who cares.


Having seen how fast a GRP boat burns a good fire extinguisher is a must. Imagine what would happen if a fire starts while you are at sea.



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