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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Once again a lunchtime start from Baiter on the Hobit :


Today was not so much about catching fish, just as well as we only managed one tiny whiting !


I have wanted to try out Downrigging for a while, I wanted to have a go at putting my favourite lure at a precise depth on a small feature, not the easiest thing to do especially with a strong tide on a windy day.


I also wanted to use a Downrigger because I really don't like using heavy weights, heavy rods etc so today we achived this task





Bought from eBay of course it was £72.00 including the all important release clip , the shaped 4 lb weight was ordered from the USA , £ 44.00 ( ouch) but it needs to be the correct shape and incorporate metal flash tape .


You can spend far more on these riggers but I didn't want to waste the cash if I didn't like it.


I have had difficult in the past finding small marks on my finder in conjunction with Navionics , they never seemed to match up with the sounder ( ipad version) .


It has always seemed true that fish like structure, ( species that I'm interested I'm) so today I have also been experimenting with the Bad Elf gps plug In for the ipad v my iPhone without the dedicated gps


( without getting technical and boring a dedicated gps is accurate to 2ft and without depending on distance from shore is around 25 ft )





So here ( I hope ) shows the Downrigger ball ( trailing a Fiish black minnow) on a precise mark from the ipad on a flat bottom just outside Brownsea castle it's shown as a thin blue line 1ft from the seabed


Spot on ! , I also did this on a very small gulley , again perfect !


I'm going to mess about when I have more time but I'm pleased you can present a bait even when anchored on the sweet spot !


Off we went to out to sea for a few drifts for Plaice using normal methods , time and tide was not in our favour so yet anchor blank ! There's always next time .

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