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Can we have a list of fish species found in Club Waters that are protected or restricted in some way?


There's so many sources of information, and so many changes, it might be a good idea to collate them all in one place.


I'll try to get the ball rolling:


Basking Shark

Bass (in nursery areas, and outside subject to a 3-fish bag limit to RSAs)

Couch's Goby

Giant Goby

Salmon (unless you have a Game fish license)

Seatrout (unless you have a Game fish license)

Shad - Allis

Shad - Thwaite



Undulate Ray


What about other possible migrants, such as the tuna species?




I think undulate was protected from commercials and not RSA's, but now that has been lifted.


Bass in nursery areas is not all year round, 1st Nov to 30th April no restrictions.


Here are some of the rays


The many species of ray which are found in UK waters the vast majority are on the IUCN Threatened Species Scale:

  • Blonde ray – Near Threatened
  • Bottle nosed ray – Endangered
  • Sandy ray – Vulnerable
  • Small eyed ray – Near Threatened
  • Starry ray – Vulnerable
  • Thornback ray – Near Threatened
  • Undulate ray – Endangered

This is all just information.


There seems to be no clear list of what can be caught and kept!!!


Even on the shark trust website it's not easy to see what is / isn't protected.


As I'm sure there was a protection for Porgie Sharks from commercials, but can't find details.


Here are some of the rays


The many species of ray which are found in UK waters the vast majority are on the IUCN Threatened Species Scale:

  • Blonde ray – Near Threatened
  • Bottle nosed ray – Endangered
  • Sandy ray – Vulnerable
  • Small eyed ray – Near Threatened
  • Starry ray – Vulnerable
  • Thornback ray – Near Threatened
  • Undulate ray – Endangered

IUCN / Red lists are all very good, but are only a guide. It's quite frustrating!!!!!!


Yes, which is why I believe this club needs a definitive list of species we CANNOT take as Recreational Sea Anglers, and ideally pinned for all members.


There might be separate list of "species that if kept should get you a short stay on the norty step", but that's a separate story.


I'm also wondering if Bluefin Tuna is on either ;)


I suspect Charlie Annear will have the answers, he's good at this :)




I think its important to say that while this is a good idea, lets not get carried away


Great to see a list of species that Members should be asked to treat as catch and release only.


But as long as they are C&R, I would not like to see that extended to what can be recorded by Members for fish of the month or other Club species comps.




Agreed Charlie, the intention was to warn members about things they shouldn't be taking for the pot.


I'd still love to see pictures, and see them registered for species comps and other trophies.




Well our club waters are basically SIFCA waters.

It's their job to know what can and can't be landed by both RSA's and Commercials.

I know that previously their information has been hard to find, and not comprehensive when you find it.

I understand that as part of the work that they are doing on the Bylaws, they are revamping the information which they publish, which will also help them to prosecute those whose main line of defence is "I didn't know".

Their email is currently down, but I'll ask what their plans are and what our intentions are as a responsible and well thought-of (by them) club.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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