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Quick trip yesterday looking for some bream, no joy there unfortunately but did have a 12lb3oz Thornback Ray on the uptider which was nice and a few decent wrasse.


This one went 3lb15oz which was good fun on a super light rod but is it a Ballan or a Corkwing?






If it was a Corkwing it would smash the UK record - 12ozs 11drms UK record in 2005 off Portland


Ballan wrasse I am afraid


Nice picture however




Oops not corkwing then! Maybe I meant baillon's- are they similar? Thanks for confirming.



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Hi oli, Wrasse can be very difficult to identify, mainly due to the fact tht few people target the smaller speicies, with Cuckoo perhaps being one of the easiest to identify, and give you very good percentage points when specimen comp fishing, as a 1lb fish is easy to get over the gunwalls, so to speak.

Try this identifying page as a source of reference, plus commit some of the esier identifying features to memory, the more you catch, the easier it becomes.

Hope this helps budweiser



Rich......not in any way suggesting that you are an idiot.......just hope it helps!


Thanks Rich, very helpful. To be honest I almost always consider them a Ballan (unless it's a Cuckoo which as you say are easy to spot) so definitely need to do some revision!


Good to see you out there Mike - wish we'd found some bream. We were heading round to Dancing Ledge originally but chose the nice flat option instead!




Hi Oli


We dropped anchor on the inside of you and but after 10 mins or so the wind changed round and started swinging the boat around so we moved as I was trying to get a bit of sport for the youngsters! 

Tangles, wind and hooks with kids not ideal!!!  :(


Good to see you out there, your boat looks great.

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