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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Just received from a colleague- looks serious – Government looking to claw money from every avenue


Looks like it could be close to becoming PAYE again…………Not for me of course …………..I’m a wealthy pensioner according to the newspapers and have more spare cash than todays young workers.




Please pass on to try and get those votes up






Subject: FW: petition




Link blow to petition against the new ‘dividend tax’ due to start next April. Needs to get to 100000 signatures to invoke a debate in parliament, so some way to go as yet.


Please feel free to pass on to other colleagues.


For info last week a close relative of mine (with his own small business) met and spoke personally to Anna Soubry MP, Minister for Small Business (and our local MP where I live). When questioned on the new tax she said that if the subject is raised with George Osbourne his reply is along the lines of - where else would we get the money from. So nothing to do with fairness or business ethics, just an easy and long standing target.


Interestingly at the same meeting most people running their own small business were unaware of this new additional 7.5% tax and were somewhat shocked at the news!


Best wishes





Subject: petition







Best Regards


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