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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Andy and I will be between Swanage and Kimmeridge tommorow in Pal-o-mine {arvor 25 ].We were hoping for some company,if anyone is about there please give us a "shout".We are hoping to expend less fuel and catch something [well it would make a nice change]..cheers Jack


We went out but the sea was quite choppy and the kids didn't like anchoring after 10 mins swinging side to side, so we cut short our trip and just cruised the solent.


For the attention of Bob F, I really was't going to tell anyone about our most recent Disaster Day,But you did ask.Set out on a lovely morning,picked up Squid bait as we already had mackeral,sea conditions wonderful;weather unbelievable,mild and sunny.Virtually empty sea ,practicaly the only boat about.decided to go beyond Swanage and look for The wrecks,we had co-ordinates,and as told at the last meeting no-one,but no-one could fail to find the specific one we had in mind,you could even see its "BOIL" from the shore !

Well after searching a mirror flat sea in a screaming spring tide for more than an hour,we found Nothing,someone had obviouslyswitched off the boil,and shifted the wreck.Not to be deterred after our 17 mile ride we tried several other co-ordinates from a certain publication [which will will shortly get a neat hole bored in its top left corner,and be hung somewhere pending another type of emergency] without success,We decided to anchor,and fished for an hour or so,collecting 4 Doggies,and a pretty 3lb Spotted ray.{all returned.] .After carrying out our newly learned bouy assisted anchor recovery.We then moved back over the extremely impressive turbulant race on the ledge,to a patch of very rough ground near the mile marker posts.after a fruitless hour we decided to "up and move"The fun then began,a half hour later,still very firmly fixed to the bottom.with the foreward samson post in danger of being pulled out,sore hands,a chopped up anchor bouy, frustrated and cursing,we gave in and cut off our lovely Bruce anchor and it's chain.Forced then to make an early return to base,as it was impossible to drift fish [wrong direction] and unsafe in those tide conditions without an anchor.to calculate cost of each fish caught,.........DONT !

LESSONS learned.Rig your anchor so that it will trip,and can be retrieved

2. Get a Grapnel anchor made of thin rods which will straiten under extreme pressure,with inexpensive corlene warp.Specifically reserved for rocky bottoms

3.when things are not going right,try to keep an eye on everything,luckily our boat has a skeg and prop guard,so at least when chopping up the anchor bouy,the warp didnt go round the prop !

For us,just an ordinary typical day out fishing.Publication rights for this short story are reserved,as,when I retire from Seeking[as different from fishing } I shall be publishing a book in order to pass on my SKILLS and Knowledge to others less fortunate than myself.....jack



Bad luck Jack, but it all happen to us one time or another. sad.gif


I've lost an anchor and chain in Nov last year and anchor, chain, ring plus rope (the bleedy lot) in Dec. So you learn from your mistake and make sure it doesn't happen again.


Lesson I learnt from Nov, is make sure the D shackle pin is tight and secured, i.e., tie it down mith mono or braid. Lesson I learnt from Dec, make sure the rope isn't bird nest before feeding it out.




Bad luck Jack and an expensive lesson ref rigging the anchor to trip.


It also shows that not all numbers translate well from one source to another, time has to be put in to find some of these rusty bits. I have passed on numbers that do not work for others. Which leaves you wondering how good your electronics are ohmy.gifhuh.gif

I feel worse when I have tried to help others, than I do when I can not find a wreck that others have given me. weep.gif


You may have got the anchor back if you had waited for slack tide and had another go at lifting it.


It usually works but can some times mean a long wait for slack and the bloody thing is still stuck.


I got one stuck and had to wait hours once, which would have been less of a nightmare if my mate had not ditched all the bait we had onboard when I started the engine.

we had about three hours to wait in the dark and cold nd could not even fish.

But eventually we got the anchor and chain back.


Better luck next time

Charlie biggrin.gif



Easy to be wise after the event but you could have tied the anchor warp off to a fender (preferably marked with the boats name and you phone number) and logged the position on your plotter. I realise there's not a lot of charter / dive traffic around at this time of year but someone might have eventually got it back for you (or even you on your return).

I had to do this 2 years ago and got it back over a neap slack - it's still got a bent shank from the ordeal.


The area you were fishing as best I can work out is pretty weedy and rocky until you get a mile off the markers. Nice shingle bank about 2 miles off - had some good blondes off it but not good in a big tide!


whats worth trying if you are useing an alderney ring an the pick is stuck is to let the boat settle back and try towing it up the other sideof the boat as the anchor may be able to pivot out one way not the otherand by towing down the other side the pull is about 90 degrees different hope that makes sense


thanks shytalk,the only way left untried was DOWN,and we did'nt really fancy that,we are replacing the anchor this week,and you can bet your life it won't be another genuine "Bruce" stainless steel showpiece job...jack




I know it is probably too late now, but if you lose an anchor it is worth getting the exact co-ordinates of its position as there are some divers in the club who would possibly be able to retrieve the anchor at some time.




Hi Jack


Sorry to hear about your loss of anchor, I think we have all been there.


For the future, I have found that if you can not lift the anchor by the alderney buoy, let out some more warp, (rope), if the line is too short it can not lift and pick of the anchor correctly.

It has worked for me on a number of times.


Check out ebay for a cheap replacement.






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