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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Guest fish finger

What time do the bream normally arrive? I think they would be great fun on a light spinning rod from what I have heard though I have never caught one before. We are scheduled to get our new boat around 5th april, I cant wait! biggrin.gif

Guest fish finger

I guess if you fish with some thin braid you could fish light most of the time. I find it amazing that they can make 20lb braid with the diameter of 4lb mono!


Theres a decent artical on bream fishing in this months Boat Fishing Monthly. It should give you a few pointers aswel as a good read. Theres also another artical in the same mag about a session in the solent on Greggs boat, they are mainly fishing for the smoothies but also target bream to.






Black Bream love to be among the rough stuff and are much better fighters than river bream.


using very thin braid could be a problem if pulled into the snags as a very slight cut and its goodbye fish.


Most areas that we fish are shallow by normal standards so a spinning rod and 1oz weight with a tough nylon line will usually suffice, the bites are not shy so not really a need for braid for bite detection IMHO.


Bring them on biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Thats if Sam can stp nagging about Tope fishing instead




yeah well i did catch a 45lb tope that day alot bigger than any of the bream caught by along way so you can kinda understand.




interesting facts on black bream as it is personally one of my best forms of fishing statistically every black bream you take reduceses the total caught by 50% the following year as the the south coast i.e. dorset .hampshire littlehampton are their main spawning grounds it is advised to put back all fish under 1 and ahalf pounds and any hen fish as these are spawing until ? end may/early june the males guard the eggs for up to 9/10 days and will attempt to fight of many larger predators i.e rays etc so the spots we fish at d/ledge old harry are probaly nest sites these are just a few facts on probably one of our most for size best fighting fish on very light tackle enjoy your fishing but remember our kids will probably enjoy breaming in a few years as i personally know people who take dozens ? why ? it takes 15 mins to descale one of the beasts enjoy your fishing see ya breaming TREV

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