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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After all the tooing and frowing due to a rather changable forcast,Loyal Royal and DR made it to weymouth today but the wind was agaist us and the "silght/smooth" F2-4 forcast was more 4-6 and the sea was a fairly moderate one!

so we couldn't make it out to the shambles, so we opted for the harbour and scratched around.

Not a lot showing with LR bagging a couple of pollock and blennies and on DR we only had 1 blenny but I did manage a 4lb Wrasse on a spinning rod ,with 10lb braid biggrin.gif that saved the day. cool.gif

All in all I enjoyed today ,Its a nice harbour and the sun was beaming.


Those shambles plaice are just going to have to wait for anouther day biggrin.gif




As stated, a fairly blustery day!! Even a couple of the Charters came home early, we sat in the Harbour and played scratching! I managed to sqeak a couple of v. smal pollack, and a tompot benny.........with mark managing a few of the latter. Despite the lack of fish, it was stil nice to get out, my first time on Loyal Royal, what a nice boat!! Great fun, and a small amount of time at the helm, learning at new controls, the boat seems far easier to handle being more stable in the water than the smaller boats Ive crewed on. A few well recieved sherbetts in the pub aftewards, and a win for Saints, just about managing to start the great escape!!!


Thanks for a great day out Mark, looking forward to the next time. Shame no notable fish for the recorder, sorry Charlie!!






rich when i took control of neo i thought i was going to have problems controlling her because i have never really controlled an outboard driven boat.


but she handled great i thought she handled better than ow much which has a stern drive.





picking up on an earlier thread....


Wots this... whinging about an Orkney handling ?


i've had plenty of un-expected manoevers trying to bring alongside against the tide.... and talk about reversing out. they dont seem to go backwards, more like a prop drive with stern walk.


Nowdays, i just fender up, and keep the power on idle until the last.


its probably the worst aspect of these boats, really sensitive to weight distribution, and any more than one up, performance suffers.


Good points... its good to own something, and generally quality built, holds its resale value.


Mines got the 25HP, wondered if the 30 really made much difference when two up ?








I too have noted with the handling is the sensitivity to weight distribution ( it is impressive if your passenger decides to move from one side of the boat to the other whilst under power smile.gif )


Also noted that the boat is slower when two up - even with the 30 HP.


When trying to power through a strong tide race the boat tries to broach ( I have learnt the term for this having joined the boat club smile.gif .


On the upside, it is good in a rough sea - I outran a Raider 16 in the Solent last year with ease wink.gif, well built and reassuring to have the double skinned hull. Launchable by two man ( one man even ).


I think you could do far worst for a first boat.


I never realised you had the Orkney - Is yours the 520 as well ?




well i like the boat paul and think it handles well.


i had no problem with reverse when putting it on the trailer.


i prefer the handling of this boat compared to some of the bigger boats in the club like ow much.



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