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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Graham and I hatched a plan to take Free Spirit out today, i can't do tomorrow so today or was.


I met Graham at Cobbs just before 8 to load up and head out for a blonde.


Frozen windscreen, no problem, bucket of harbour water over the cabin. Wrong, frozen as sheet ice. On with the asmatic heater and off in to the cold. (Some of Cobbs had the surface frozen)




We headed out and the swash was horrible, with hopes it would flatten a little out deeper we plodded on. It didn't!


We agreed to try at anchor as we will were only a few miles from the mark. Give it an hour, or half and see!!!


At anchor it was awful, rocky and rolly. Hard to stand but with tide and wind going together we had a go. So did 2 other boats.


I had some whiting and some kept for tea, Graham had the target species:




At the trunk of the tide, we swang awkwardly so packed up for an early bath. The other 2 boats headed in just before us.


Cold but triumphant we thumped / surfed back in and then opened her up in the harbour @ 32knts.


Cheers Graham, fish pie and bread crumb & parmesan topped fillets for us this week.





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