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Started up my outboard for its regular tank run last week, ALL FINE! Tried the very next day to give it a longer run and wouldn't fire at all. No spark from any of the cylinders sad.gif . Any ideas?


Well join the club dry.gif .


It's bloody one of life greatest mystery, (after how to keep a woman happy...... tongue.gif) why something would work one day and it then refuse to do anything the next.


Back to your outboard, when you said no sparks, how bad is it?

1) you turn the key other than a 'click' sound nothing else happens.

2) you turn the key, the starter turns, but the engine won't turn over.



If it's 1) I would say, solenoid, worn starter motor (or brushes) or flat battery.

If it's 2), fuel not getting there, i.e., fuel pump, blockage or out of date fuel (not likely as you'd only used it the previous day) or you could have just flooded the spark plugs and nothing more.


I had a similar problem on my 2 stroke Aux. Started one day, wouldn't the next.


Turned out to be old fuel that had clogged the fuel filter. The oil mix had gone all cloggy. Had to flush out the fuel system and clean up the spark plugs.


Are you sure you're getting no sparks at all? It can be difficult to see at times.




It's electrical for def. fuel is new, pipes flushed. I have checked for spark at the plugs and there's nothing, so it has to be primary electrical system somewhere??? sad.gif

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